Friday, May 19, 2006

Oh....hahaXx...I WAS LATE TODAY...TO SCHOOL...hahaxx...i woke up at the same time...then when on the way to sch...then got traffic jam...dunno got accident or wad la...make me 7.30am to sch...then don wannna go in first...cox later neeed to stand on stage n sing...lolxx....then i went to other place first....bought some sweet... for frens..wahahaxx...i good hor...??!!~giviing...wahahaxx...
then i reach sch at about 8.20am...then ashley was 1 min later than me...wahahaxx..then i explain to the dm...we din come together...wahahaxx..hmm...after tt...the chinese teacher dunno got wad la...then not coming to our we have 2 hours free...but it was kidda boring...cox only 8 of us in class...the rest of the class went to the aircon room...hahaxx...then eL seet come to our class talk to us....he told us about how bad our result only 35% plus pass...wahahaXx...(ss,geo)..88% plus failed....n (history,ss)...100% failed...wahahaXx...we were all laughing till death....n mr seet still joking with us...hahaXx...then after tt is math gan is laming again....forever the same...hahaxx...then he was asking ppl alot of questions about funni...!!!~after tt...go lot1 then home le....12.30pm released le...think don wanna watch full hse le like 17 disc inside...then monday gonna return...then gonna watch the show edmund lent to me...will update later..if theres somemore

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