Thursday, November 30, 2006

  • Test
  • Trust
  • Temperary assignment

How you define life determines your destiny.Your perspective will influence how you invest your time,spent your money,use your talents and value your relationships

"Do not conform yourself to the standards of the world,but let god transform you inwardly by a complete change of mind.then you will be able to know the will of god." Romans 12:2


people's character,faith,love obedience,integrity and loyalty(we are always being tested)

  1. god constantly watches your response to people,problems,success,conflict,illness,disappointment, and even weather.
  2. He watches simplest actions such as when you open a door for others,when you pick up a trash,or when you polite towards a clerk or waitress.
  3. We will be TESTED by major changes ,delayed promises,impossible problems,unanswered prayers,undeserved criticism and even senseless tragedies.
  4. *important test"how do you act when you cant feel god presence in your life?"

When you understand life is a test,you realize that nothing is insignificant in your life.Even the smallest incident has significant for your character development.Everyday is an important day and every second is a growth opportunity to deepen your character,to demonstrate love,or to depend on god.Some tests seem overwhelming,while others you dont even notice.But all of them have eternal implications

The bible says "God keeps his promise,and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm;at the time you are put to test,he will give you the strength to endure it,and so provide with a way out."

Everytime you pass a test.god notices and make plans to reward you in etenity.James says, "Blessed are those who endure when they are tested.When they pass the test,they will recieve the crown of life that god has promised to those who love him"

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