Monday, January 29, 2007

the first pic from s.h.e concert then s.h.e autograph session then fei Lun haI.....
s.h.e autograph session was....alot of people....i queue for like 2 hours 30mins.....
the autograph session must end at alot of people at the back cant shake hand with them...aannD i also cant~~SO SAd~....BUt HEBE SMILE AT ME!!!!!!~...i was waiting for my lyrics book and i was standing infront of her not quite near...but also not very far 2 steps away la...heeXx...~SHE SMILE AT ME!!!!!~~ArrrGGggggggg~~~~~~
oh their next album releasing after chinese new year
then after tt i took cab down to imm for Fei Lun Hai autograph session........the WhOLe IMM MADNESSS!!!~
THousands lots of people were there...and have to push here and there...they are even much much much more famOus then F4......
they are SO HANDSOME!!!!!!!!!!~heeeXX......esp....wu zun and WANg Dong CHenG~
ii QuEue for 4 hours Plus...and i'm still ouT of the shopping centre....
cant get in there.....thousand of people cant get their autograph...
they sign for 4 hours plus...and sing us a song to say sorry bcox they got other things to attend....
hmm...was quite sad...but...they too famous le arh....
never mind their next album when they come singapore.....
i morning sure queue up....

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