Friday, October 05, 2007

I'm so happy today!!~
cause i get to eat PIZZA!!~
normally alot of people share then can only eat abt 4 slices
if eat too much not enough for the others... and my sista ordered pizza today, 2 regular,then my sisita said got alot so asked auntie evelyn wanna eat anot...i told her i can finish all then she don believe me:(
I ate 7 slices & 2 chicken wings....i think i can eat 8 slices la....
wahlao....i hope there's more pizza:'(
YEAH!!~Tomorrow going out with terence korkor
Going to eat again....!!~
and of course play la....
hope he don ps us....hahaahaX
i heard that Jay chou world tour 2007/2008 concert will be in singapore on 19th January?
Ohhh nOoo!!~and the tix is quite expensive:(
cannot......i got no money after going xiao zhu's concert....
hope not in january....
after chinese new year....please!!~?

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