Saturday, April 29, 2006

dotdotdot....SAT....stay at home the whole day...from morning 11+ play until 6pm+...wah!!~7 hours sia..hmm..then watch tv lor...haix....then so less ppl online...diaoZz..watching wisely on channel 8...

Friday, April 28, 2006

luke 5:36-39 ....hello?!~can anyone explain i don understand!!!!~ chemistry test sux...wad acid rain..teacher never ask us to study the topic...dots....sure f9 le....
said yeah!!for now only...wahahaXx...hey may seems easy to most of u...but hello...i like never pay attendtion in chemistry lesson for thousands of years le...think i being too mouth can talk non stop in sch...i can jux sit down at any part of the sch...n i can start talking to someone..dots..sch end early today...12.30pm?...ya...then reach home around 2pm..i go plaza ma..then..reach home play games...wahaha...then Zzz...wahahaX..the 9pm like not nice..not exciting at all..hahaX..after tt...i wanna go slp...then i also dunno y...feel like reading the bible...then i read lor...1 chapter only...a better than nothing....oioioi...i got read bible le hor...jackson..toking to u la..!!~LAME la sylvia wee!!!~super duper sian now...tomorrow gonna stay at home...not going out...i don feel like going to far..THE DA VINCI don understand wad i'm reading...but i still finish reading the booklet...wahahaXx..
I went before the Lord. I came, I stood with downcast eyes. For in his hands God held a book; It was the book of life.
God looked into his book and said "Your name I cannot find,I once was going to write it down ... But never found the time."
took this from the email qianmin sent..a...happy ma...finally got ur name..wahahaXx..
wad i wanna said is tt...whenever jackson ask me to read the bible..i will find lots of no time..but in fact i got lots of jux tt i use the time on computer games...msning n all the rubbish about com..n watching tv..
"i once going to write it down...but never found the time"...i never read the bible for months le...bcox i got no time..i remember tt time...last year or something...vanessa ask me got read bible ma..i told her i don have time,when i got time then i read...then she told me this..."then when god have time then bless you lor"..pastor also said b4..u have 24hours in a day..iszit (dunno wad) jux spend 1 hour with god?aiya...think so...erm..aiya...i dunno how to explain la..lost in speech

don't let anyone look down on you because you are YOUNG, but set an example for the believers in SPEECH, in LIFE, in LOVE, in FAITH and in PURITY.1 timothy 4:12

Thursday, April 27, 2006

hahahhahhahaaXxx....I'm so back physics common test...n i get the 2nd highest in class...hahaXx...the 1st win me by half mark only lor...hahax...nvm...but i still get A1...wahahahaXxx...thought i will get A2...but...hahax...i got a math common test...think i won't get A1 le...think a B3...or B4...haix....i'm so sotong during the test...x+x+4+(X+4)x2=84.....hello?! so easy la...n i dunno how to do....DOTS..then tomorrow chemistry common test....think i will study later...I WILL STUDY...cox i wanna physics+hemistry.....can score A1 easily de....then science can be in my n level best 3 subjects...erm...then..nth le lor...ya...dnt today super duper boring...haix...i hate dnt...super duper suckO!!~math also!~end of today...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

super duper sad...haix...i jux recieve a news about him...cannot tell who...cox is not announce yet...when i noe that he gonna______i am so super freak up by the m**...y he have to______?is jux april n he's....haix...don wanna say nw...mayb after the school noe the news then i'll type out my i hope i never noe the truth...makes me super duper sad...n wanna cry!!~
today history test was...very easy...jux write a few words then don wanna do le...think i will get 0 ba....will start studying later...around july or august..i'm going to have a emotional break down if he leave...then cant do well in n level...excuse,wahahaXx
math lesson was super fun...tmr got math common test....i wanna get A1....!!!!~then friday chemistry...i also wanna pass...hope i can pass...jux nw mr seah...he told me about sth...i lazy to type like tt lor...haix...sth gd n sth bad...ok...the 9pm show is so nice la...but it gonna end soon...the show is getting more interesting...wahahaXx...& mr kan never come to sch today..oh...later still need to do physics homework n dnt...gonna slp late tonite!!~...i miss my dream...~

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Who Am I
by Casting Crownsalbum: Casting Crowns (2003)
Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth Would care to know my name Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star Would choose to light the way For my ever wandering heart
Not because of who I am But because of what You've done Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading Here today and gone tomorrow A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling Lord, You catch me when I'm falling And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours
Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin Would look on me with love and watch me rise again
Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea Would call out through the rain And calm the storm in me
Not because of who I am But because of what You've done Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading Here today and gone tomorrow A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling And You've told me who I am
I am Yours
Not because of who I am But because of what You've done Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading Here today and gone tomorrow A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling And You've told me who I am
I am Yours,I am Yours
Whom shall I fear Whom shall I fear 'Cause I am Yours
I am Yours

er...sachok ar?lolXx...his my nephew, handsome rite...he's da shao ye...lolX..he's in china nw...studying...bcox his father there to work...kidda miss him...last saw him was like 3 mths
ago... on the left is the sista,renee...around 1 year old plus...hahaXx..hope she come back still remember us...wahahaXx..

TODAY ..was super duper fun day...hahaX..had common test in the morning..physics...never study...but manage to do it...n find it kidda easy..sure can score well de..erm..A2?lolX...i dunno...hahaX...then mother tounge lesson erm..normal lor..nothing there's the fun part...PE LESSON...wahahaXx...we r suppose to run 3 rounds...abt 1.3km...then we all lazy to run ma...coz 2.4km run jux inish last week...if we nv run...walking will take alot of we decided to play to make everyone run...wahaha...n we cheated...we run 2 rounds only...coz all got no strength already...wahaha...n after tt we still continue to play...n all play bball too!!...chinese n malay...wahahaXx...yes pe rawkZz...hmm...recess ate alot...then math was fun...we all pretend we r slpin then when someone come into the room,we jux all stand up n funny...then mr gan still hiding fun...erm...then recess time...second recess...i slept for 30mins...then faruoni lesson...erm..slack...then around 2.45pm,mr seet came into our class n tok to us...until 3pm...then after tt ,chemistry lesson..teacher never come today...woowooHoo!!~then some dnt students go dnt...i also dnt students...but i never go...coz dnt sian? went to the library..then chit chat...then 4pm...home...i reach home ard 5pm...wahahaXx..then game at abt 6pm...all the way till 8+...tomorrow still got history common test...i'm not gonna waste my time n study for the history test...coz i study or i din study,i will still y study?wahahax..make sense ar?..wahahaX...thursday got math...A1...seriously here i come...~i don think i can get it...haix...~

Sunday, April 23, 2006

yesterday was super duper tired to blog...when i'm back.. going to 12midnite le...hmm...went church on sat...took cab wif yuting to church...then i never study..hahaX..went to mm...then dinner with caleb,jackson,emma,kenny gan...erm...then shopping!!~hahaX...erm..then go esplanade..(i dunno how to spell..correct anot?)for.. i dunno...jux sit there until 10+...then go watch the band there play dunno wad song...but very nice...wahahaXx...saw sr nathan when waiting for the jackson kenny took mrt home...caleb too,but different line...emma by bus..then me,jackson, kenny & emma each bought a spec...then..wanted to wear it in church the next day..hahaXx..
TODAY.. reach church about 9.30 +...the worship was great...i love the song evan sing...wad freedom...then got wad today of freedom?hahaX..then after service...lunch...then me n tracie's house...bcox gracie forgot to bring the renfred's autograph...then when i reach her hse...dots...she told me tt she put in school...lolXx...i'm not angry...really...i'm not so petty...don puke!!!~SERIOUS!!~..then i don believe her she got the she called renfred...n i heard his voice...his voice is so deep...lolX...n gracie keep looking for her hamster...the white hamster MIA...lolX...then after tt i went grandma admitted to the hospital...dunno y...i never go visit her...coz reach home...they went le...i lazy to take mrt there...erm..tomorrow got english n social studies exam ...i never study...haven even start to study yet..nw is 9.43pm...hmm...2.30 finish tmr...i think i wanna go home fast...coX..hahaX...don wanna tell..~Jux hope tt the hope i hope will come true!!~wahahaXx..

Friday, April 21, 2006

Friday...dotdotdot....sch end early as usual...mother tounge lesson do the chinese compo until my head super duper pain...coz i dunno how to write alot of words...haix!!~then english lesson...slackco!!~..hahaXx...math lesson...very...i dunno...boring...or dun understand!~...wahaha...then end of 12.30...reach home around 1.30pm....then computer game...wahahaXx...until nw...kidda tired..then tomorrrow drum practice?..yar...need to wake up early again..haix...ok...erm..nth much to write...sylVia wee!!!~i Got...**an numBer!~wahahaXx...n far lu...heeeeeXx.......oh week common test le..sunday think gonna go study wif lindy jie NUS!!!~wooWooHOO!!!~...nus a super duper nice place...esp at nite!!~..oh midnite?...lolX...lots of star...wahaha...then on the 8th week mock like..week 6 exam...week 7 study for week 8 exam...haix...stress ar stress...sylvia wee!~don playful le ar,wahahaXx...i wanna go church come plZ!!~come into my pocket...into my wallet,into my bank account....thank yOU!!~

Thursday, April 20, 2006

a super duper...busy day in sch....for the first,second period...then 3rd period..lesson abt half n hour...then we keep on taking pictures after tt..after recess...lame gan never come to sch free period...after tt...2 hrs of west spring idol sux!...i think the 1st runner up boy n girl is lots lots lots better than the fina....wahahaXx...reach home about my work le then ard 6.45 meet nic for dinner,then so super boring...i will never go again!...the end!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 is sch...erm...not bad..some of us went crazy...n start to act in class...then play games...we never pay attendtion...wahaha...heng today...she never come find us...don wanna say the lame guru lesson is super duper noisy..we all sing twinkle twinkle little star..dnt lesson...the time pass very quickly...coz i got lots of things to do...all thanks to mr koh..wahaha!~i now at final solution le..wahahaXx..
kidda fast for me...coz i jux do it yesterday...lalalala~...dots...chemistry n social studies was crazy time by not paying attendtion..wahaha..n playing...oh sylvia wee!!~u r forever so playful~..actually n level to me is jux a exam...a exam same as final year lor...only the name change ma...from final year change to n hand still super pain..haix..after sch straight away come home le...took lrt then mrt...with many ppl i know today....but only andrew n chin leong stay near we walk in different home...don jealous plz...unknown*...jux nw in lrt kanna suan by me!!~wahaha!sylvia wee!! u very bad leh...!!~hahaX..common test ar common test...tell me when plz...tell me the topics to be tested plz!!~tt gal not ryan gerfren...wooHoo!!~...he said it!!~...who's ryan?...unknown u all only la...!!~lalalala~lalalala~BJ's world!!!!!!!~NIt3!!~

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

From The Inside Out
by Hillsong United
album: United We Stand (2006)
A thousand times I've failed
Still Your mercy remains And should I stumble again
I'm caught in Your grace
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame
Your will above all else
My purpose remains
The art of losing myself
In bringing You praise
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame
In my heart and my soul
Lord I give You control
Consume me from the inside out
Lord let justice and praise
Become my embrace
To love you from the inside out
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart
Is to bring You praise
From the inside out
Lord my soul cries out

wOOHOO!!! sch released at 4pm...then is raining i reach home around 5pm...the thunder so loud like atomic bomb drop from sky sia...i scared thunder n lighting leh...still let me see....dots..god i'm talkling to you...don look behind at the angels...wahahaXx...L-A-M-E! ! !~hmm...first 2 lesson of the day is 2 hours of lesson i stoned for 1 hour...then mr koh help me do...wahahaXx..i don have to think la..he said do 2 more then i can start work le...wooWoOHOO!!!~...finally...if under mr lyn...i will stoned for 2 hand super duper pain sia...jeremy pinch blue black le..pinch for fun only...but is still very pain...he use the other method to pinch...wanna try...i also know how....wahaha!!~then after dnt is math ma...then jason thought is we stay back in dnt workshop about 15mins to let mr koh explain finisOH NO!!! we went back to class..& no 1 in class...we noe they r in the library..bcoz tt's the only place they can be...wahaaXx..then i check my time table..OH NO!!!~is math la..i go to math class 30 mins late....i stay in class about 10 mins like tt then i go find them...hahaXx..hmm....think everyone today very tired...coz 2nd recess mostly everyone is asleep...hahaXx...n chemistry lesson is like only 3 person is awake..i'm one of them...but i'm doing physics...writing the notes..hahaX...hmm..inext week is the 6th week le...common test le...i still haven get the topic to study...wad the!!~wad sch is this...haix...sir told us tt...monday english n ss n his...tuesday is physics...n friday's all i noe...the rest is like....unknown la..!! so super sian now la...monday... ss n history....AArrAgGHH!!!~GOD HELP ME!!~...haix...friday ChemiStRY!!!!!!!!!~~i think i dying for air so totally unknown topics to me la...even though teacher b4 le...but because of playfulness....i never pay i miss all the chapter...haix....I"M DEAD!!!!

Monday, April 17, 2006

woowooHoo!!~...hhaaaXx...i very lazy to edit the post...ok...juz wanna add on...during chemistry lesson..beumon n yongshan...they keep on throwing paper over...then accidentally hit me many times...hahaXx..then 1 time beumon throw the bottlecap hit until my face...until very first only la...but awhile no more red le...n beumon i don need boiled egg ok...i'm perfectly jux tt u gonna die i'm kidding..i'm not tt evil...i'm an angel...becox i'm always in white...wahahaXx...don u notice uniform is white...DOTS...wei...SYLVIA WEE!!!~don be lame la...think i gonna slp before 12...coz tomorrow end at 4pm...argh!!!!~...ya..i today very guai..i never play games today...hahaX...i still haven do physics...coz physics last lesson...can do during other lesson other words...i'm lazy to do nw...wanna do tomorrow...wahahaXx... now is 11.30pm...i'm still shouting n singing the hillsong united simply too nice la...hahaX...kk...i'm shouting nw....bye!!~
hillsong united-take it all

Searching the world
The lost will be found
In freedom we live
As one we cry out
You carried the cross
You died and rose again,My God
I'll only ever give my all
[verse 2]
You sent Your Son,From heaven to earth
You delivered us all
It's eternally heard
I searched for truth
And all I found was You,My God
I'll only ever give my all
Jesus we're living Your Name,We'll never be ashamed of You
Our praise and all we are today
Take take take it all,Take take take it all
Running to the One Who heals the blind
Following the shining lightIn Your hands The power to save the world
My life

wahahahahahahahahhahahaXXxx...take,take take it all...take take take it all!!!!~hahhaX...i love this the bits...i jux buy their album...hahaX...i broke more money le...!!~i bought 2 album today zhang hui mei...n hillsong united de sch was very like...erm...very tired...EL teacher never come today...then math lesson get back math test...i got a freaking B3...n i was about to cry...oh my!!~the paper was like so easy la...should at least get a A ma...GrR!!!~after math lesson is pe 2.4km run today...that make me super duper time is 16mins...actually is more than tt...but i forget the i jux tell the person 1600...hahaX..then the person said...ok la..i help u write actual timing is 16.25...i think...hahaXx...dunno la...think i will fail my 2.4km if the sec5 gal never ask me to run...?!~yah..i think so...when i running my 4th round,i stop running liao...then i start to walk...then some1 from the back suddenly grabbed my hand n pull me ask me to run...hahaX...then i jux run lor...end of 4th round is 1300mins..then the passing time is 1800 i i noe still got time la...then i start to walk...then later the sec5 gal ask me to run again...hahaX...then i got 1600 lor...really really thank her...i also dunno wad's her name...never talk to her b4...but she jux help studies..was erm...not ok...very boring...then mother tounge...i lazy to do correction...then i keep on skiping the pages...then bluff teacher tt i do finish le...wahahaXx...last lesson chemistry...hahaX...slack again...hahaX...then we were talking about jesus christ...about why he die on the cross...i explained to the guy beside me...coz he's not a christian...then after tt...end n another guy talking about...aiya...dun wanna tell u all...i lazy to type all out!!!~hahahXx...i never go cip today...nvm...juz tell teacher forget...hahaX...anyway she tmr also never go to sh...think so tired super sian week common test le...i still dunno wad to study for the test sia...for some of the subjects only la...but even if i noe...i also dunno wad gonna be tested first...i only noe chemistry is on friday...the rest is like..helLo!!~??!...teacher...??!SYLVIA WEE!!!~..u better pass hor...*&^%$...people think i'm mad or sth...talking to myself...wahhaXx...blogging is indeed a waste of time..coz...type so long...all is rubbish!!~...wahahaXx..i type rubbish only la...but some ppl may not..some r interesting like...hahaX...i dunno who...but some...hahaX...think i gng go le...i wan2 go sing le...wahahaXx..jesus~we're living for your name..we'll never be ashamed of you!!!~our praise and all we are today..take take take it all!!~take take take it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahXXXxXXXXxxx.
KELLY CLARKSON-because of you

I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself
Cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did,
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way
To never let it get that far
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid
I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you I am afraid
I watched you die
I heard you cry every night in your sleep
I was so youngYou should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry in the middle of the night
For the same damn thing
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you,I try my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you,I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you,I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Because of you,I am afraid
Because of you,Because of you
AaaArRrrrGggGhHhHh!!!!!!...Haix !~don worry...i'm fine...jux shout for fun nia...!~
today went church...forgot to bring my wallet,then i need to borrow money from others la...dots..
then not in a good mood...coz no wallet,no money...n bcox...u went missing~...i was looking for u...keep on asking ppl ard where are u..but no 1 noe...dots..then cant find u...thought u ps me...but u said i ps u first...sorry i din know u wanna sit beside me...coz i thought u wanna sit with deniece ma..sorry=/went to youth..was very lazy to take the food from the table..then tracie feed small kids like tt sia....SYLVIA WEE!!hello?!~how old liao ar?..hahaX..then after youth i go see the guitar lesson..coz they playing happy ending favourite song ma...then i play play play....lindy came into the room..n i asked her to play...then when she's playing,auntie pit came in...n said ...erm...dunno wad la..then start to said about hse fellowship...then asked me why i never go...then i wanted to said next month...then i said wrong...i said next week..hahaX...then she ask me to lead worship in hse fellowship..oh my!!!~lead worship?!~i told her this year i can play..but not so fast ba..!~i never lead worship in my entire life before la...sia lala!~...i jux play the guitar will do....hahax..erm...then after tt...go 4th the drum n guitar...i was acting as if i'm leading worship...playing the guitar while singing....infront of the mic...when the mic is not stoopid...then daddy n lindy teach me how to sing...hahaXx...coz...aiya..don wanna say...around 6pm we left lindy qianmin n daddy went to look for kenny...n we went to clementi for dinner...then around 8pm...we go vanessa hse...crap at the end all end up studying..only qian min...making the most noise...then kanna ask to go back around 10+...wahaha...the rest of us left at around 11+...i haven finish my physics...haix...tmr no physics lesson...oi!i wan2 pass physics ok,not jux pass but at least a A2 can...?!~make sure u get ar...oi!~SYLVIA WEE...!!~i talking to u leh...haiz...think sylvia wee slp i also wanna slp le...coz no crap>inFaMOUS<


Saturday, April 15, 2006's world...lalalala~lalalala~BJ's crazy class..*&^%$ BJ'S WORLD!!!!!!~hahaX...wad a wonderful sat i've spent....guess where? home!!~hahaX...from 12noon...i start using my com till NOW!! gonna 12 midnite soon!!~been playing games for like 8-9 hours...finally one of my sims is DEAD!!~...great!...n the son get married le...hahaX..i've forgotten i got lots of home-work to do la...then last min then do...the physics 1 more important...need to write 4 pages of 2 paper?!~...then the physics paper need to do 1 anot huh?!~sia lala!!~i dunno leh!~later go sch kanna scold again..hahaXx...wont 1 la..i so guai..*don look at me tt way*..heeXx...zhang huimei new album sososo nice la...!!!~go buy faster!!~i wanna buy!!~wooWooHoo!!~hmm..i now doing homework...see..i guai rite??!~say yes!!~oi...faster say leh...waolao..!!~dots!!...i'm trying to be lame...hahaaaaXXx...SYLVIA WEE!!!!!!!!~u rAWkZz....hahaXx...did someone said tt...i think i heard it!!~somewhere in sch area...the hall!!!~ya...shout again on monday...shout it everyday out
loud!!~wahahahahahahahahha!!!!!!~ok i gng...i'm super tired...oh ya!~~when u enter my blog..find any different?!...i add in song le...wahahahaXx...all thanks to secret classmate!!~<------u noe who u r!!~

Friday, April 14, 2006

hahahahahahaXXxxx.jux back from church....lalalaalalalalaX...yesterday in sch sch...kanna sabbo go stage shout cheer...infront of the whole sch nehX....sosososososososososososososososososo paiseh.......hahahhahahahaahahXXx...but was very fun....coz finally our class kanna praise....hahhaahaaaX....coz most of the teacher in sch thought our class4E is a super duper naughty class...troublesome & always make the teacher cry...wahahaX..but u how we name our class...inFAMOUS but talented...n teacher who teach our class love us lots...esp mr gan...hahaXx..he everytime always crap with our class de...somemore he's the only teacher who let us throw paper at him...but i never...hahahaX...coz i respect him...but he let us of the incident tt our class did is throwing apple at the so stoopid la...but is fun...then in the end kanna scold by teacher...hahahahahahaXx...erm...then another incident is tt our class the malay boys only...azman & ryan...they throw oranges at the resident window becox they never open the door when we wanna give them free drinks n so super funni la......n the resident complaint...hahahaXxx...wad a stoopid thing they did...n throwing orange downstair from the 12nd story...hahahaXx...sososososo fun la...we r the champion my frenx~we keep on fighting till the end~~we r the champion~we r the time for losing...coz we r the champion...of the world!!~hahahahahaha~~r u ready kids...i am captain!!~..i cant heard u.....i am captain!~~oh~wooooooowooooHOOooooohoooooohooooo!!!!~like wad we always do in class...hahahXx...hmm...tomorrow sat sia....dunno where to go...stay at home play games or church...??!!~i dunnoo!~ok....i last song for all of u before i go n slp....nananana~nananana...heyheyhey...GOODBYE!!!~....oh yes....i deleted all my post le....y....coz i think i've been blogging more rubbish from now on...heeX...but i can never be how...?!don blog?yes good idea....!~woowooHoo..!!~nit3!~
the inFAMOUS..RAWkZz....4E..4E4E4E4E4E4E4

LOVE 4E...THE INFAMOUS BUT TALENTED ONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i love 4E TO THE CORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

hahaX...the inFAMOUS 4E blog...heeX..go visit
hmm...yesterday i never blog...why?coz i very tired...after playing the whole day of th also...but wanna blog lor...heex...tomorrow will be the last day of sch for week 4...bcoz...friday is good friday ma...hahaX...yesterday was very lesson...4e rawks forever...hahaX...who wanna win us 1 i guess...come on man!!~then phote taking was also very fun...b4 tt...we lock mr seah outside the classroom..then pretend tt we are all slpin..but when he said we can go take photo at 3.25...azman open the door...then kanna beat..wahaha! after sch actually got cip de...but the ball never on have lor...ok la...i very tired le...Zzz...gng!~