Friday, April 14, 2006

hahahahahahaXXxxx.jux back from church....lalalaalalalalaX...yesterday in sch sch...kanna sabbo go stage shout cheer...infront of the whole sch nehX....sosososososososososososososososososo paiseh.......hahahhahahahaahahXXx...but was very fun....coz finally our class kanna praise....hahhaahaaaX....coz most of the teacher in sch thought our class4E is a super duper naughty class...troublesome & always make the teacher cry...wahahaX..but u how we name our class...inFAMOUS but talented...n teacher who teach our class love us lots...esp mr gan...hahaXx..he everytime always crap with our class de...somemore he's the only teacher who let us throw paper at him...but i never...hahahaX...coz i respect him...but he let us of the incident tt our class did is throwing apple at the so stoopid la...but is fun...then in the end kanna scold by teacher...hahahahahahaXx...erm...then another incident is tt our class the malay boys only...azman & ryan...they throw oranges at the resident window becox they never open the door when we wanna give them free drinks n so super funni la......n the resident complaint...hahahaXxx...wad a stoopid thing they did...n throwing orange downstair from the 12nd story...hahahaXx...sososososo fun la...we r the champion my frenx~we keep on fighting till the end~~we r the champion~we r the time for losing...coz we r the champion...of the world!!~hahahahahaha~~r u ready kids...i am captain!!~..i cant heard u.....i am captain!~~oh~wooooooowooooHOOooooohoooooohooooo!!!!~like wad we always do in class...hahahXx...hmm...tomorrow sat sia....dunno where to go...stay at home play games or church...??!!~i dunnoo!~ok....i last song for all of u before i go n slp....nananana~nananana...heyheyhey...GOODBYE!!!~....oh yes....i deleted all my post le....y....coz i think i've been blogging more rubbish from now on...heeX...but i can never be how...?!don blog?yes good idea....!~woowooHoo..!!~nit3!~

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