Wednesday, July 19, 2006

HEYHEYHEY!!!!!!!!~wahahaXx....ok...sch was FANTASTIC??!~hahaXx..ya,the sch come out with new sitting plan...and it sux...but...with my class...guess is first we dunno where to must go out to parade square sit first...then our class dun wanna go...everyone go le...then we still remain every teacher asked us to go we also dun wanna move...but when saw mr seet walking towards us...then all walk to the parade after settledown in the seet talked for very long...but..not too long la....35mins only...hahaX...then we only have 25 mins left for the 1st period only lor...quite good la...YEAH!!~finally i learned sth in chemistry...hahaX...but only abit only...balance eqn...hahaXx...yup...after tt went to the singh went mad in hall...and we keep on disturbing him...hahaxx...cox social studies never come so must go hall lor...then english period...erm...skip lesson for 15mins..hahaX...went out to see people pE...then talk with frenz...hahax...then recess le...was quite hungry..cox ate quite fast..hahaX.x..*when i taking hot food...kaO...push me from the back sia..aHH!!~*nevermind...remain calm...!..on the way going back to class...then finally...hahaX...*icked u...trying to hit me back...nah!~i ran away..but still hit my hand abit..but hitted the wroNg persoN wor..hahaxx..hahaXx...yup...go back class then got physics test...erm...quite easy la...can pass la...then math period some worksheet...hahaXx...drew patrick star and mr u all later...must the pic first...yup..i complain to laOshi U bully...still got eye withness leh...lolx...then after tt go canteen...history teacher never come...then went to the hall around 25mins later...yup..had a great time singing in the hall...cox only our class...and used the mic to talk my voice from the speaker...lolX...yup..then had my lunch..then went to good that the math extra lesson is less people now...put into different group...and class is great...all doing work...i in group 1 wor*WINK...hahax..the BEST!!~lolX...went plaza to buy chicken pie...and the person give me free newspaper....lolX..cya!~

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