Friday, July 28, 2006

SCHOOL was Not GOOD!!!~1st lesson was chinese....did pay attention....yup...then english lesson was damn bored....jux feeling very tired and sad....dunno why....yup and 10am...oh mr seet save us...went to listen to his ex-student talk....erm...was quite ok....and as wad we said....we surprised the canteen means early recess....10 mins early...lolX...yup...i jux ate abit...then when eating....ppl from my level...who went for the talk jux nw...some lost things....HP,wallet,mp3...yup...and all kanna stolen la...our class only 1 person kanna stolen only....4D alot...thank goD i bring along my bag...brought my hP to sch today...then after tt they said got spot check...then i went to mrs phua ask her keep...but she cannot...cox she teaching 3A...alot of i jux try my luck...put my things in my the plastic file...wooHoo!~nothing happen wor...hahaX..*HEEX.....then after sch stay in 4d for 1 hour...ok...then home...then sleep...was very tired...from 2.30pm sleep until 5pm...yup...

morning wo you kai jian ni...u were talking to ur fren....then u suddenly...G*** *y *an* and talk to me...

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