Saturday, September 02, 2006

friday...i got no mood to study....then was...writing my chapter 2 notes...but only manage to finish half...was very boring at to wenhao on the phone almost 1 and a half hour....dotdotdot......keep on ignoring me..

sat...i been writing my notes since 11am...the social studies...haix...and i write until 9pm...not all the way la...think got rest for less than 2 hours la...ya...and...i think i learn abit sec 3 topic...2,3,5,6,7
sec 4 topic 1,4....then i cannot absorbed all i planned to study chapter 2,3...and sec 4 chapter...guess 1 of them will come out middle finger...pain pain pain after writing for so many hours...actually wanna go maxwell eat de...with kenny...but in the end he got another funtion to attend...
so never go lor...
u r still ignoring me...even though u said u r not...

toking on the phone with the friendly guy wenhao...hahaX...lame.."zhen de meh?"lame shit~~

going to church tomorrow...and...ZZzZzz...kidda boring...think going to study after tt..

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