Thursday, September 14, 2006

wooHhoo!!~school was fun fun FUN!!!!~early in the morning i scolded miss chan...she siao said my hair hair long then wad's urs?...serve her right kanna scold...hahaX....
well...our class..crazy for today...hall at 3rd story...classroom at 4th story...and we took the lift up...i think 13 people inside...and they r pushing here and there...then eng lessosn...nah...sux..!!~then pe lesson...woohoo!!~FUN!!~we know tt today got O level we got some plan during the running...WE SING while jogging for 2 rounds...we sang we will rock you and we are the fun...even thought i didnt sing..cox i got sore throat!!~sad~... went to train my leg...cox weako ar...hahaX//after pe...we went to the canteen for awhile then took the lift up again...heng never got caught,but faruoni was about to press the lift... physics...and is time to use my brain...and it did let me recall alot...cox i've been slacking alot after prelim...recess...we took the lift up lucky that we used the lift for 3 times today never kanna from teacher..cox yesterday when using lift going for extra lesson,we kanna caught on the 2nd story...then we waited for another lift to go to our class...math lesson...make me think think think....using CD period to do my math too...last lesson vincent seah never come..
tomorrow got grooming check...and i know i tt i sure will kanna de....but i have excuse...take me to the principal if u all wan2...i know wad to say already...hahaX...
wo let 90cents for tmr...hahaX...wonder will i survive

the stoopid box very ugly...i thought of buying a____ box and put tt thing it with.._________...hahhaX....very silly idea...and i don have money...try to use my next week 10 bucks...all for ur sake..i don eat leh...i hope u know who u r...hahaX...anyone sponser me money to use my silly ideas?hahaX...sch fren rawk ma..

chalet chalet CHALET!!~cant wait~...we'll be planning lots of things...but i gonna be broke...cox now different gang they have chalet...and total got 4...think i will be going 4 two only la....

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