Saturday, December 30, 2006

see the first pic....i took it in jackson car...he forced me to do so...then said tt after taking must say hi to the other rubbish
second pic took in marine...much nicer....

yesterday went to watch night at the museum...with 13 church frens
very funni show...i like the dum dum part...i want gumgum...
"quiet,my dum dum wanna speak"...hahaa...
dun know wad i'm toking abt???nevermind...
after tt left onli me,xianjie,jackson and auntie ruth,the westsider la...
and they all wanna go find the ppl in meta camp....
but cant find we went to cheese prata shop...
and auntie ruth was toking abt her past...
so just listen..manners ma...ppl tok u listen...
and the jackson tong keep disturbing me
on the way back home,since my house is just opposite kranji camp....
so jackson took us in for a ride...showing us he's camp last time
quite cool....hahahaha
oh ya..i'm in clementi ite..taking business and service skill...hahaha
so happi...and i bought s.h.e tix le...heeeX...but the tix not with me...cox i ask my fren help me buy...
the information counter fault...go lunch 4 pm then come time to wait for them...
haaaaa...nth much to boring...please don sleep whenu read this entry~~

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

hmm...this year christmas like quite different
cox spending more time with frens..
cox last time got family gathering ma...
and also very fun games and sian ar...very quiet in the hse...
so i rather spend time with make myself happi...than staying in the house like no 1 talk to me..
actually wanna go out with terence watch night at the museum de....But he wanna bring a fren alrite with me and my sista...but i don wanna watch huang jing jia...the jay chou show...
wasting money watching the show u don like...hmm...reallly very waste money...~hahahahaX
oh the dinner i also saw west spring english HOD....

shanghai shanghai shanghai shanghai shanghai...aRgghh!!!~
oh i wanna go....cox maybe my sista and terence going over to look after my niece...cox my cousin's maid visa expire le...bUt i have to report to school on the 4 january.arGh!!!!~
shanghai shanghai shanghai shanghai shanghai...i wanna Gooo!!!!~

hmm...and i'm so happi to know tt most of my sch frens don wanna me to leave the sch...but i got no choice...they said tt they will miss my teasing...hahahaha....
gonna miss them for sure...cox they are all nice people...willing to be tease by me...
later going ite i tease ppl...then they not happi...beat me up...but nevermind....i can call water come....see they still dare to beat me anot...hahahahhaX...

haix wad is wrong with me...
i told myself not to do tt again...
but i did tt stoopid thing again....haiX
haix so disappointed...
i just don wanna be like that*thinking*ERK!!!~
dui bu Qi~

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

just back from youth camp...was quite fun..
i love my group flare!!!
din sleep well...
big bang was super fun..i like amber group esp when caleb act as pastor

i cant promote to sec 5...even though i passed all the subjects...
but nevermind la...can go learn new things ma..
hope can goin to business an service skill...cox 1 year onli...hahaX...then can go higher nitec for 2 years..
then Poly....

yeahyeahyeah!!!!!i'm buying my s.h.e concert ticket this friday....but gonna buy 68 onli..cox i really super broke le....still haven pay for christmas dinner...

Friday, December 15, 2006

a few nights ago...
i was in my room...lying on the bed...
the house was super quiet..and i heard some noise from outside..
parents was sleeping and sista not home yet

i heard the dining chair MOVED!!!~arGh~~!!!!!
then after that....i heard.....the someone taking the plate....arGh!!~

after that..i heard chairs moving...but not from my house la... from upstairs
then suddenly...i heard someone shouted.....but the voice like from my room....infront of me...
....believe me la...though i like to imagine alot of things...but...that's not imagination...hahaha....

i'm getting my results on monday...chikalaka!!~

Thursday, December 07, 2006

had a dream last night..
back to my childhood time...
when me and my cousins playing in bukit batok area....
while the adults were playing majong and playing cards
i noe i cant turn back time...but i'm so happy i had this dream last night... and i wish that i will never wake u from tt dream
i love the days when we playing monkey and banana??...dunno wad's the name of the game la...and catching,lots more silly games we played...was so funni...
playing basketball at the basketball court...rock climbing and miss the backstreet boys singing "shape of my heart"
this song always makes me think of terence,my sista,me and nic...singing at auntie evelyn house...
we were so mad about backstreet boys last time...and we rockclimb to the top and stand there and sing backstreet boys songs...treating that as backstreet boys plane..
the last time we went back there was this year first day of chinese new year...
but this time is different....we've grown we just climb to the top and talk...about our funni things and silly things we did in our childhood.

really miss all those days alot...and now no more everysat family gathering
i just don understand why they have to do this...
why they have to break this family into half...
why still now they don know tt they are wrong..?
and why the others still cant forgive them??
money is evil...bcox of money...reletionship broken...(part of the reason)

last time the family feel so much with love
but now,is so empty...

but i'm really glad that me,terence and my sista still meet up sometimes during our holidays
everytime sure will ton de...and lots of non-stop topics to talk about...
always take the first train home....
really feel so happy and comfortable with them...even sharing thiings or telling them secret..
and we always believe that someday all of us will be back together and meet up everyweek...
and we are hoping this day to come soon...

3 years...ever since that day.....
i dunno the meaning of love....
now everything wrong...why they have to do this..?don they have feelings?and aint they guilty of wad they had done?


Where is the love!?~//

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Listening says,"i value your opinion,i care about our relationship,and you matter to me."the cliche is true: people dont care what we know until they know we care.

a soft answer is always better than a sarcastic one
the bible says,"A gentle response defuse anger,but a sharp tongue kindles a temple-fire."

It takes lots of effort to restore a relationship.That's why peter urged"work hard for peace with others." But when you work for peace,you are doing what god would do.That's wad make peacemakers his children.


Monday, December 04, 2006

yesterday some of us was playing with him in the prayer room...then took some of his pic..Act dao,cute,angry.....hahahahaX
yesterday was very sian in church after nth to do...then alot of people were packing the stuff for the people in myanmar...went to help..but they gonna finish soon..."zI"
one idiot pissed me irritating!!!!!!!!~huairen..hUaiiren..HUAIREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then went for dinner with them....but feeling so super tired....30 hours never sleep
but was quite fun...they all laming here and there....."aiyo,hai bu chuo diao de"
-purpose driven day 16

Friday, December 01, 2006


Jesus often referred to life as a TRUST and told many stories to illustrate this responsibility towards god.

In the story of the talents,a businessman ENTRUST his wealth to the care of his servants while he's away.When he returns,he evaluates each servant's RESPONSIBILITY and REWARDS them accordingly.The owner says, "well done,good and faithful servant!You have been faithful with a few things; i will put in charge of many things.Come and share your master's happiness."
If you treat everything as a trust,god promises three rewards in eternity.
  • God's affirmation: he will say,"Good job,well done!"
  • Next you will receive promotion and be given greater responsibility in eternity: "i will put you in charge of many things."
  • Then you will be honoured with a celebration:Come and share your master's happiness."


"lord,remind me how brief my time on earth will be.Remind me that my days are numbered,and that my life is fleeing away. Psalm 39:4

Repeatedly the bible compares life on earth to temporarily living in foreign country.This is not our permanent home.

the bible says, "we are Christ ambassadors." Sadly many Christians betrayed their king and his kingdom.They they foolishly concluded that because they live on earth,its their home.The bible is clear: "friends,this world is not your home,so don't make yourselves cozy in it.Don't indulge your ego at the expense of the soul."
The fact earth is not our ultimate home explains why,as followers of Jesus,we experience difficulty,sorrow, and rejection in this world.It also explains why some of God's promises seems unfulfilled,Some prayers unanswered and circumstances seem unfair. In order to keep us from becoming too attached to earth,god allows us to feel a significant amount of discontent and dissatisfaction in life.(longing that will never be fulfilled on this side of eternity. we are not happy here because because we're not suppose to be!

"we fix our eyes not on what is seen,but on what is unseen.For what is seen is Temporary,but what is unseen is eternal."

Thursday, November 30, 2006

  • Test
  • Trust
  • Temperary assignment

How you define life determines your destiny.Your perspective will influence how you invest your time,spent your money,use your talents and value your relationships

"Do not conform yourself to the standards of the world,but let god transform you inwardly by a complete change of mind.then you will be able to know the will of god." Romans 12:2


people's character,faith,love obedience,integrity and loyalty(we are always being tested)

  1. god constantly watches your response to people,problems,success,conflict,illness,disappointment, and even weather.
  2. He watches simplest actions such as when you open a door for others,when you pick up a trash,or when you polite towards a clerk or waitress.
  3. We will be TESTED by major changes ,delayed promises,impossible problems,unanswered prayers,undeserved criticism and even senseless tragedies.
  4. *important test"how do you act when you cant feel god presence in your life?"

When you understand life is a test,you realize that nothing is insignificant in your life.Even the smallest incident has significant for your character development.Everyday is an important day and every second is a growth opportunity to deepen your character,to demonstrate love,or to depend on god.Some tests seem overwhelming,while others you dont even notice.But all of them have eternal implications

The bible says "God keeps his promise,and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm;at the time you are put to test,he will give you the strength to endure it,and so provide with a way out."

Everytime you pass a test.god notices and make plans to reward you in etenity.James says, "Blessed are those who endure when they are tested.When they pass the test,they will recieve the crown of life that god has promised to those who love him"

Monday, November 27, 2006

yesterday worship was good..

but sermon i was like half aslp

after tt went out with kenny to fetch the people back gracie and qianmin was toking nonstop in the van and we keep on matchmake or gracie"sunbian"asked her mother whether can tt guy go out with her....hahahaax...the most "QiJi"question she asked was to go out together

after tt went to tca college,aloysius graduation ceremony....end about 7pm

went out for dinner after dunno where la...then saw a guy sleeping when there's food on his i told qianmin and eugene....and we were like ok,then laugh awhile....then after tt the guy wake up and eat abit of his food and went back to his sleep...hahaha....and was very funni...and it keep on repeating...when we left,he's still sleeping...we sat there for like 1 hour

during dinner was so funni,we were toking about the toilet,farting,aloysius snoring,shawn in the youth meeting with his "do you love me?' and dunno wad more...but was very funni...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

intro you this guy...
his name is cai ming you,he's 19 this year
he's a new singer...yup,and he's the one people said that he look like TaozE,play the piano like jay and sing like wang li hong...
compose his own music,intro by jackie wu
erm...jay chou also intro by jackie wu and also compose his own songs
and he's so famous now....
i guess cai ming you will also be as famous as jay ba..
i dunno why jackie wu like to choose guys with small eyes
but this time is a cute one....hAihaO~
can play the violin,piano,drum's all i noe
guys who noe how to play piano and sing at the same time shi zui mi ren de....

Support hIm ARh~
yup...the song playing now is 'wo ke yi' by cai ming you

can take alook at his singing,violin(PRO) and piano skills...
super pro sia....why singapore don have this type of guy...??

Monday, November 20, 2006

went to evan's "ji zhe hui" just now....she's the "dai yan ren" for the dunno wad...look like not food...but is food...
capture some of the pic and so upload it......
since she's my ouxiang......and let u all see how good my skill is....

staying at home is much bettter than going out....depends on who going out with.....
ppl who keep on hurting others can kick them aside cox they aint real friends who can be there for u....
they just there always hurting u and make ur life so miserable
they don give u a chance to talk
they r stubbon,selfish,irritating....take wadever u said as a joke seriously...and they can never know how much hurt it brings to the other party
well,i'm one of the STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!

A friend does not only share the gasoline:they shares memories, crying crisis, experiences. Shares guilt, shares secrets.A friend does not only lend the surfboard. He lends his word, lends his shoulder, lends time, lends the heat and a jaquet.A friend does not only suggest a CD. thay suggests you take it easy, suggests a job, suggests a country.A friend does not only drive you to a party. they takes you into his world and is truly interested on knowing yours.A friend does not only give you the quiz answers. they stands by you during difficult times, they spends New Year's Eve beside you.A friend does not only go jogging. they walks silently through pain, they comes into the field with you and stands by your side if you fail.

as mentioned in denieces and evan's song "cox that's wad friends are love and care and all~

Thursday, November 16, 2006

finally saw S.H.E on tv today....
about their concert
the duration of the concert is about 2 and a half hour and they will be singing 30 over songs...
i gonna buy the ticx soon....maybe next month.
cause i couldnt get a sit that i wan now....
oH my s.h.e rawkZz la~

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

finally back from chalet.....was quite fun
saw alot of westspringer there........from sec 1 -3
watched stay alive there..haa...quite a nice show....and my 6th time watching rob-b-hod
and went to blade....haaaa....soo HaPPy!!!~finally i know how to blade....but i dunno how to brake...
first night slept at 5am plus.....drank a few bottles of wine but i din get myself drunk....this is so basket~
and had 8 hours sleep but i guess it aint enough....
went for breakfast,though is lunch time...and saw kim there..
bought bbq stuff and haa...i din help much in the bbq,everyone was bbq-ing...
ii was alone in the room watching princess hours~hahahaXx...the show simply rawkZz la...
and the rest of the show up to 10pm...
after that they were playing games,true or dare...but i din play..cox they were playing those sort of pervertic i don wanna get involve...
but it was so.........eeeeeYeerrr...but there's nth i can do...
went out to 7-11 at around 3am plus...
went to buy sth to eat....was so hungry...
and me aikbin and jin li we were toking about ghost stories....and weird things that happened in greenridge sec
went back to chalet after that
with our toking
and we keep on asking th hong yi boy questions
the hong yi boy is norman...a easy going person...just knew in the chalet
and all of us tok until sleep...cox we were all lying down...
and suppose to check out at 10.30am,but all of us woke up at 11.30 plus....
haaa....super tired cox onli sleep for4 hours

i'm so hungry now!!!

Monday, November 13, 2006

going to chalet tmr...will be back on wednesday

oh pleaseee.....choose ME!!!!~
let me walk towards my dream
i wanna shine like star~~

Thursday, November 09, 2006

wo hen leiii~

i just wanna get my result
so boring at home...and i don wanna work...
i cant wait to go back to school..

i don feel like going aanywhere..
i got no mood for anything..
i'm breaking down...dying soOn...ERK!!!

why no 1 understannd??

Monday, November 06, 2006

Yeah i'm going to KL...but is next year april
one of the relative in malaysia wedding dinner
i also dunno that person...just go there EAT and SHOP...hahaaX...
going with my father's side family....sure will be fun...ALL of them going!!!~
had 4 injection this morning on my ear.....
is damn painful though is a baby needle
the feeling is like after my operation..
but the pain only last for a few hours

i still have to visit the hospital for another 6-7 times for injection once a month

yeah next week having the animals chalet...
just hope that's a place for me to sleep..
i wanna go wildwildWEt!!!~just have to pay 8 bucks....hahaax...

power ranger wildforce is nice.....haaaaa....

i wanna go s.h.e concertt!!!!!!

o...getting result on the 18thdecember....everyone in the whole know abt this....
but i dunoo..hahax...mayb becox i never go sch ba....heeeeX....
just hope i can get less then 10...if never,i also wont cry...
i'll just jump off the building.....haaaaa

so u think u can dance is so nice....esp the group dancing hiphop..
wow....such a talented dancer......hahaxx...
worship was quite good.....but i dunno y i keep on stoning
church was ok la.....
just that i'm not in the mood....i dunno how and wad can i do....abt the blah blah blah.....basket!!~

went to evan's house after kenny loy' car........
and went to run with kenny gan.....
they said is 1.6km....
but is MUCH MUCH more than that.....really like dying sooN.....esp the uphill
rotting at evan's hse wasnt really fun esp when ppl are writing reports,doing their own stuff and studying...
so went out with kenny gan and christine to help them buy things to eat....went to KAP bought mac....and after that stop at a place and we ate in the car....and kenny keep on kanna suan by me..hahaX
went to the big market bought things for them lor
back to blah blah blah house
i stoned for 1 hour again.......
ah gem keep on scaring me~
bcox i'm scared of meow meow~

ar...bye!= babiBu~(evan's language)

Friday, November 03, 2006

hahaha...selina doggie pinky so cute.hahaha..
this video very de funnii...

Monday, October 30, 2006

oh....i just found this music video in youtube...
is jay chou song tui hou
and the video got hebe..... ouxiang and my ouxiang.......hahaha
go watch ba's another video by s.h.e...
at happy sunday.....performing traditional dolls...
very funni videooo entertainment during holidays...s.h.e video..
some ppl think tt is so damn fun to lie......promised sth then in the end ps......~spoil my day........cheebye kiaaaaa~~~sick and tired....really very hard for me to believe wad you say
once trusted u sooo u seems to be a liar to meee....

thinking of going s.h.e concert next year.....27th january...hahaa...1 week plus after my birthday....birthday treat for myself....yeah so happi...think going town to buy my wallet.....on.......~~~haaa

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Friday, October 27, 2006

ok...went to S.H.E autograph session just now....erm...
the autograph session i queue for the longest time....4 HOURS MAN!!!!!!!!!!~
bought their album and actually wanna tok to hebe and of course get their autograph......
while in the queue,and i feel like i cant tahan anymore...but i cant give up like that.....and suddenly i got a blackout,feeling like i'm fainting....
and tt's a caring lady infront...she helped me...but not i queue at the back....erm...feeling much more better....the haze is killing me also....
finally is my turn and i was nervous....selina was saying thank you to me and i din know wad to say...and almost forgot to shake her hand.....hahahaX....ella smile at me but hebe like wasnt in a mood...and she cried just now hen singing wo men zhe men le....aww~but still i never talk to her....guess have to wait until next yeaar...haiX
and i'm super hungry.......
i learned my lesson...never go so early.....late comers can see them and talk to them.....hahahaha......
but still hebe is so cool and she's really a role modal as a star to me.....and her singing is so damn good....
yup they dance tooo!!~kind of nice...hahaaaX.....and their live singing is so damn gooD~really...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

hmm...from young i hate reading..but,now..i dunno y i love to read so much...
finally yesterday i went down to eunice hse borrow the book by dariel forlong
she bought it in church camp..and i read the first chapter in malaysia find it kidda interesting
but till now then i borrow from her...cox i lazy to walk down..haaa

read it till 2am and while waiting in the hospital today then when get home return to her le
...hmm...the book kidda encouraging......
for me,i never really BELIEVE in prayers...though i KNOW prayers is the greatest power on earth
but not everytime when i pray,i will seek with all my heart....just pray for the sake of praying
You will seek me,and you will find me because you will seek me with all your heart. jeremiah 29:13
hahaX..can memorise le...everynight i see this verse...cox jackson gave me a poster or sth with this verse on.
the book also says about obeying god......hahaX...
some questions alot of question marks in my mind.......
how do people listen to god's voice?
how u know is god?
and how god speak to us?through ppl,bible verse and so on....but how do we know that it is REALLY god speaking to us?

think i should go to youth and HF more so dry..hahaX...
but youth boring leh,then HF end so late...haiz
went to young adults meeting kidda fun...and i learn quite alot...
bible study on the books of james...erm...makers and breakers of peace
earthly wisdom(self-seeking,envy,boast,lie against the truth)and heavenly wisdom(pure,peaceable,gentle,full of mercy and good fruit)...and something about intergity...our tendency is to work harder on our image than our intergrity.image is wad people think we are.intergrity is wad we really are.....yup...still got quite alot...but don really remember...

went to jurong point just now also...erm...wanted to buy wallet...but cant find a nice one... just walk around spent ard 30 plus.....aRRGh~
went to life bookshop...wanted to buy books...haaaX...but in the end never buy...cox bought a i always said NO MUSIC,NO LIFE~so i guess music is much more important than books in my life~
nah...but the joy of living is in giving..hahaX
looking for christian city church album...
then the lady there ask me iszit THIS(paradise live)album
haaaaX....since is a new album and their first album was quite a good one...and i cant find CCC(not charis christian church) album
so decided to buy
paradise live lastest album...SET ME FREE~
erm...kidda nice...haven really listen...just the first few songs...
and find the song longing for you a very nice....mayb to me onli la..
and i bought sth for someone

started reading my new testament a week ago..and wanna finish in 2 weeks time...since everytime the challenge is 1month...i like somthing more challenging...haaaX...think i wont be behind romans now...

oh ya...kidda regret...but i got no choice....never go to the music producer course...
they went studio recording today!!!having album of their own....oh man~ SAD!!!
but i guess...god has his mayb waiting for another chance
hahahaz....shall wait~

oh heard a song at life bookshop...giver of life...anyone got that song send me...very nice..


Saturday, October 21, 2006

A Better Idea

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world— 1 John 4:4

The man at the pool of Bethesda just wanted Jesus to take him down to the water (see John 5). But Jesus had a better idea. His plan for the man was threefold: Jesus asked the impossible, He removed all possibility for a relapse, and He expected continued success.

First, He said, "Rise" (verse 8). He asked the impossible. How easily this man could have said, "What do you mean, 'Get up'? I can't move." But Jesus commanded him to do it. The calling of God is the enabling of God. If God tells you to do something, then it means it can be done. This man took a literal step of faith.

Second, Jesus commanded the man to take up his bed. This was to make no provision for a relapse. In other words, "Get up. Take up your bed. Don't leave it there. There will be no turning back." A lot of people never make that break with their past. So Jesus said, "That is not the way it's going to be. You get up and follow Me."

Third, Jesus said, "Walk." He was saying, "I want practical results. Don't plan on being carried. Get up on your feet and walk and start moving forward." Jesus was expecting continued success.

The question is, do you really want to change? If so, then Jesus is calling you. Whatever you are doing, whatever is holding on to you, you can change. I know it is hard, but God is more powerful. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. The power of God is greater than any other power there is.

Friday, October 20, 2006

here it is...the pic we took at pitstop on the 24th september 2006...hahaX...
and there's 24 of us(excluding the guy at the back)......=_='''

this people rawk...cox most are young adults
paiseh la...i abit anti-youth
no la...
they are fun to be with...
and they can brighten up ur day....
really la~

erm...dunno wad to do during holidays leh.....
chalet is 3 weeks away
and don have to go school..
go seaside sit there and look at the sky...??hahaX...
ask me out leh......sian leh

Thursday, October 19, 2006

oh think cant go church on sunday
and MM on sat..........
must stay at home....
after next monday then can go out...

now holidays le...
cox i no need to go school le...
music producer course dun have to go le
i wanna go leh..bUt too bad...~haiZ

now i going to choing my o2jam
until dunno wad level...
and i going to buy a drum set..
not enough gem leh...
haiZ...i dun mind if anyone gonna give it as gift....

my ear look very erxin leh...i dun even dare to look at it
so i wont be showing anyone of u........
but onli special ppl can see onli la..
like family members...and some of the after sch gang
but dun ssuddenly come touch my ear
if not u pay for the next operation if anything goes wrong...

oH...thanks charmaiinE~
ni zuI haO..~<3

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

jux had my operation on monday~..
waited like 3 hours....
damn it...

the operation was quite good...
dr low was a nice guy
he sounds like a jap,and he look so not like huh?
and he show me the part kanna cut off...
eeeYYeeR....very erxin....heeX...
and my blood...
got 4 injection...but onli feel pain for the first 2...
gonna go back next monday fo check up
remind me....i'll forget

after reach home...i was crying in pain...
is so super pain la...
the feeling is like someone cut off ur ear...and is so super pain....
and got a stoppid bandage on my head....and very troublesome..
can onli take out on wed morning.........
got a 10 days mc..
cant go sch..
mayb will go when feeling better ba.....
if not i'll miss the music producer course..
erm...holidays is kidda boring..
ask me out if u r free k?hahahaX....anyone~

you r more than my heart can contain..
i will love you all my life...for u are my reason..
the one that i live for~--ALL MY LIFE

listening to this song nw.......=_='''

Saturday, October 14, 2006

just reach home from sentosa..
very tired....
suppose to stay until sunday but i dun wan..

once reach the chalet....put down bags then jiu go swimming le....
then went to skyride and Luge for 2 times....erm...actual price 15 it for 6 buck only...
hahaXx..."once is never enough"'s the words they have behind their shirt
and i was wearing the Big Fu through this shirt...i know tt person there...
then after tt...went to eat...
erm...saw a very beautiful lady there....
not from sg la....
then go walk walk le....went to the beach...
took a pic of a bridge........nice leh......i called the bridge "one way"
the only song i keep singing is only ur mercy
and thought of the footprint thing....
lalalalala~and i love island life
very peaceful,quiet..

went musical fountain....last min go de...and kiki very irritating....the monkey....took a few pic then can cature a nice 1...cox it keep on moving...then very blur

Oh....knock on the wrong door.....i'm in room C....and i go to room D....and somemore i don know tt person
saw janice the ex westspringer
and yvonne scared the wrong person...hahaX...the personkanna scare kidda friendly
went to play lightstick after tt

went back to chalet after tt....but some still hungry..
so 7 of us went to 7-11 buy something to eat
i,potato....and ben and jerry's icecream.....heeXx...

slept ard 3.3oam....wake up at 5am plus....
really cant sleep....
and very good only me and yvonne in the room...
the rest went to the other room...
went back to sleep from 6 to 8.....
and wenhao they all very disturb...keep on knocking the door
then went back to sleep after breakfast from 9 to 11....

then nth to do le lor...very kelian la...some went to play pool...
i jux play arcade for awhile...then after lunch time
damn it....jux eaten my breakfast....
so went to skyride and luge again...
FRee this time...heeX...i remember tt person name....linda...hahaX...
.....the kind lady...heeeeX...
oh ya before that saw Ben from MI....the ex westspringer...i forgotten his name....think is ben jux put ben lor

lunch after tt...hide in the room for the so call the police game la....chicken
to prevent the unwanted surviver cancelled...
then went bench to do my duty....
with the walkie talkie with me....
and i keep on rubbishing with them...
i still remember the uncle...knn here and there....then in the end they change channel...
lolx...very funni

BBq din eat much....hahhax...thanks cecilia for feeding me...i very lazy to eat...
and.....miss chan bf melvin for sending us to harbourfront....
oh ya....b4 some of the people leave the chalet...

went to the beach to play water bomb...kanna 3-4 time...hahaX....FUNFUNFUN!!!!~
then we draw out the words...and put fire cracker~???
jiu shi zhe yang~
i gonna go watch afew esp of naruto...
is 200 plus now and i'm sill at 159
nah...coming back early 1 day for the sack of church......
and bcoX...............................i miss............................heeX...

anw,nice knowing terence and eric..
opp~sry eric for hurting ur hand...
really go out of control for the luGe

and wenhao...he is..huai REn~

Friday, October 13, 2006 is 2.01am
went to vivo city jux now..
irritating a maze
then got super irritated...cox cant find any wallet shop...
so went to edmund stall makan...
wenlong said tt he will treat me...wadever i wan...but as long as i finish all...
so ordered Ailo and half a chicken from the chicken rice stall(wenlong's idea)
yup...finish it all....
erm...then pool and arcade at paradiz centre....kiddda boring........
Tou hua after tt....
did a stoopid thing...took a pic of the tou hua...then mms lindeee..heeX....
Oh~...saw yu shu kor kor there.......and zhen shi mei(wadever)
with their frens....aiya dunno....
took lots of pics...of the place...i dun like taking human...boring~
actually wanna go bugis...but in the end wanna catch a movie...
watched ROB B HOOD~...wooHoo!!~
a super nice show....MUST WATCH!!!~
very funni,touching...exciting show~....
cab home after tt........

will be going to chalet 2am...
think i will be staying for 1 nite.......
cox i miss gracie~.errrrrrrrr...kidding...hahaXX..
depends la....
cox i'll be having my operation on monday wish to go out...
think will be going home on sat nite ba....
Rachellll TANl~!!!!
wan aN~
i'll still fan u on sunday until u hate me~hahahhahahahahaXxx.....

Sunday, October 08, 2006

walking from church to eunos mrt is quite far...but i love it....
almost lost my way.....
but bus 63 guiding me.....
when i dunno which direction to walk.....suddenly bus 63 will appear in front

gracie & tracie never come church obviously very boring la...
no one scolding me...haiiiX...paiseh...xi guan le
and lunch was boring bcox gracie was not around...
even thought the 2 powerpuff...and huai ren was sitting wif nth to tok abt la...
age gap la.....~

tomorrow no sian....tuesday dnt exam...last paper.....blahblahblah.....

find old testament much much more interesting than new testament......
jux finish genesis....on the way to finish exodus...
when pastor tok abt exodus today..i'm so happy...cox i know what he's toking about
oh Dr paul hawkes message was Good~....


Saturday, October 07, 2006


Thursday, October 05, 2006

my operation change to 16 oct..hahaX..
then i can eat anything esp seafood at the chalet~....wooHoo!!~

Oh...lindeee getting christian city church album for me online..wooHoo!!~
cant wait to get it...though i listen to it b4..

ni na men ai ta...wei shen men bu ba ta liu xia??????

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

physics and chemistry paper today............
physics......quite easy la..but chemistry(*&^$#@
dunno how to do alot of question....
and i think i wont pass my chemistry...or heng heng just pass....
haix...i wanna get A2 for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
if i get B3......ITE will welcome me with open arms.sHit!!~
planned not to sleep for the whole night to study for science....i study 4 chapter for chemistry only..metal,acid bases and salt,periodic table and alkanes,alkenes,alcohol.......but in the end slept for ard 1 hour...
actually chemistry quite a interesting subject...but...the teacher lesson not interesting at all..
tomorrow no school...can rest....very tired...friday math paper 2....
next tuesday last paper...Dnt....
then guess wad....NEXT FRIDAY CHALET!!!!!!!!!!!~wooHoo...cant wait~.. hospital called me yesterday and today...but i didnt answer...not at home so early siao...
tired tired tired~~bang bang bang!!~AHH!~ =_=~

Monday, October 02, 2006

oh...finally history and english are over!!~woo!!~
paper 1 was quite easy...i wrote about what makes a good parents?...cox i thought of the story pastor told the church...then i added in more rubbish of mine...and tt;s it... a complete essay~hahaha!~
erm...paper 2..hmm passage A was quite difficult...i dunno wad rubbish the passage talking about...wad cinema..then after tt world war la...WW1 mayb history....mix up le....3 paper a tired...when taking english paper 2,i really feel like sleeping le...but never sleep...
hmm....I love exams....because my mind all thinking about study stuffs...but jux don like too much stress...hahaX//
Oh history.....I KNEW tt chapter 3,5,6 gonna come out....told almost all of my frens and samchong tt it gonna come out...then some still go study russia...appeasment...wadever shit...hahaX...lucky for me,melvin and some of the ppl who listen to my prediction...and some other clever ppl la who know tt chapter 6...the most easier chapter gonna come out.......
i jux study half of chapter 6......
and guess wad...i dunno how to answer....but i whack in almost all the things tt i memorize...
...dunno what the question asking about...then i jux anyhow write lor...the only thing i know is island hoping..9 marks leh...but i guess i'll get less than 5...hahaX...i also dunno wad rubbish i writting about...
before history paper went to plaza to makan....with daryl,boon peng,aikbin,and chun are the ppl i'm close with in history lesson...hahaX....we went to long john first then mac then food lame....
and guess wad.....from plaza we took cab back to our jux 3 busstop away....
hahaX....anyway...the rich will pay....who gamble 100 bucks for blackjack...hahaX..
tomorrow math paper 1...and i WANNA SCORE A1....i dun care...I MUST SCORE A1....if not i cannot promote...
i only have and math to help me...if only my chinese got B4 la...then very heng lor....
but even i can pass....i'm still thinking whether to go to sec 5 anot...i jux wannna go poly....i dunn wan take stoppid o so damn stress for sure~
actually i dun feel like studying anymore...

presue my dreams......and living my life all with music in wadever i do.......
then i wanna leave singapore to australia mayb.....
oh...yesterday channel 5 got the show THE COUNTRY BEAR...very nice...
i wish i can perform on stage....even bigger than sinagpore indoor.....
bigger than expo....
perform in some other country...
i wanna have my own band....
i wanna be famous~_~
!!!!!!!!!!!I WANT I WANT I WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
i wanna learn piano!!!!!!!~i love tt instrument aloT~~much much more than drum than guitar..
I WANNA LEARN...I WANNA LEARN.......................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

I'm not missing You!!!~

Sunday, October 01, 2006

i will bless the lord who has given me counsel;my heart also instructs me in the night seasons.i have set the lord always before me;because he is my right hand i shall not be moved.
Therefore my heart is glad,and my glory rejoices;my flesh also will rest in hope.For you will not leave my soul in sheol,nor will you allow your holy one see corruption.You will show me the path of life; In your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forever.PSALM 16:7-11

Friday, September 29, 2006

hmm...i miss vanessa....she so long never go church le...
hope to see her soonn....she's so cute~esp when she smile~

wad am i now if i go russia 8 years ago for studies...
hmm...mayb i'll never know god.hahaX....lamelamelame=_=
mayb i will never know you~

Thursday, September 28, 2006

PE today was fuN?...was asked to run 2 rounds...but in the end...we run more than tt....was caught cheating...then played hide and seek with mr was very tired...played basketball after group won 2 match...hahaX..
yup took the lift up to class again after going to canteen...math...erm...teacher give the formula sheet for all topics...and hahaX...i think i found some of the missing pieces in my left brain...erm...the english teacher went to course and i revised my physics...the rest of my frens were playing cards...chemistry...erm..i scolded mr seah...he was so singh said tt i can listen to the mp3...and he asked me to keep...totally spoil my mood for studying...i first ever time scolding vulgarities.fuck u la...cb~

after sch went to plaza for kfc...melvin b'day...

i'll take back my no~

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

school was fun...lots of fun..~
today got 2 period of dnt...but guess wad..teaacher never come....wooHoo~
so...about 5 of the dnt students(including me),went to f &n lab there and visit first,mrs phua said tt we cannot touch anything and we after awhile must leave....but...we cooked....
i was with jeremy and wenhao them in their swiss roll and their fried noodle...
so happy la....!!i got 2 years never cook le....and f &n was very FUn today...heeX....and the noodle was damn nice....serious la~....even all of my friends said so...and some f & n students cooking skills lousy than Dnt students...oh mrs phua said tt...hahaX...
after tt is chinese lesson...taking this time to eat the noodle and testing someother people noodlE....yup...and everyone was saying eileen noodle very nice...oh my~...they all r bad...lied to her...and she actually thinks tt her noodle really very taste-less la....hahaXx..oh...suppose to go com lab in chinese lesson...but i guess ppl care more about the food than going to com lab...then played the "chen yu" game....and the time i know how lousy my "chen yu" is compare to my frens in class....i only know all the easy easy one...and some i dun even know the meaning....recess time....erm...nth much jux went down to the canteen to have a drink...cox i'm super full already...math afew math question...then dunno le la...english lesson and history....we played cards...for 2 hours...oh my...and is like a gambling room...cox 3 different groups are playing...and all are like 5 more days to n level...and my class is like hack care?...hahaX...
was waiting for jeremy to finish his geography lesson to take lrt home...cox my sista took my ezlink and i dun have money to take bus..but he went to math extra i went to...did some question...and asked some of the question i dunno in my 5 years series...but i still got lots of question left brain is like few pieces missing...jux like my heart~Oh...shh!!~dun tell others...L-A-M-E =_=
after finish the extra lesson was 3.30pm...and they wanna play heartattack....oh...very fun playing with them....they are so funni...and went makan....oh thanks jeremy for that milo...
i wait for u like 2 hours plus jux to go home...dIao~walking home with them is like bringing small kids out...aiyo....they are super duper playful...but really enjoyed the moment we the infamous 4E and jeremy gang~

here's something for you all...took this from someone's very it..
the song very nice also....hope to find the chords~

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

6 more days to n level....still not in the mood to study....
really need someone to help me..but.......NO-ONE!~

Friday, September 22, 2006

But those who TRUST in the lord will find their strength RENEWED. Isaiah 40:31

Thursday, September 21, 2006

nowadays...during lesson keep on doing sian...but also good la...when do the worksheet,time will pass very fast....i've been very naughty in sch these few days...keep on bullying people...hahaX....
i think people are very interested in seeing ppl st**m....i remember on tuesday i was in 920...and i got nothing better to do...i look down the bus,saw a cab...and i jux said...hey the uncle st**m...then everyone keep looking down..hahaX..then on wednesday,during history lesson,daryl was saying xinhua whine and his hair stand....and i shouted daryl ste*m...and everyone was like...where got?...oh class?my frens? pervertic~

TO the special someone~

HAppi BirthdaY..finally 17 more year to M18 movie..woohoo~


sorry for being very..ur so called petty everytime...but actually i'm not angry with you
i'm just feeling very disappointed..feeling so neglected..aiya..i dunno how i feel...but i'm jux not angry
that's why sometimes i'll jux walk off without saying bye or i'll ignore anyone who talk'' to me

cox u used to be so close to me....and everything changed so quickly...u are super duper busy and we seldom talk...even on some sundays,we don even talk to each other...i guess u thought i'm angry with you and i think tt you don wanna talk to me..and u cant be bother abt me's y i don wanna talk to u...but hoping tt u will talk to me....

sometimes wad i said is really not from my heart(but all these are) everytime i asked you to f*** off...cox i really dunno wad to say...*i'll learn..not to say anything if i got nothing better to say*
i'm so disappointed when u give empty promises...but really really i never blame you~...jux wanting to know why u did tt when u don like people to give empty promises...last time i do things to hurt to let you know how it feels to be treated the way u treat me sometimes...

looking back...thinking of all the things that happened.........
the clementi days....when u r everytime late...and i miss that lemon papaya i drink everytime...but now no more le....went back yesterday to buy...i think the stall change owner i went to the market there buy...but the taste not the same....and i don like it.....cause is so sour....~ EeyerR!!~
missing the wugui that u bought for me...both are dead...

but i don wan our friendship to be dead or turn sour
i jux wan everything to be as it is last time...~
and i'm hoping tt you will listen to my problems...cox is not easy for me to share things from my heart to the others...and you are lucky or unlucky to be that someone i can share with....almost everything~

thank you for treating me so nice and you spoil me for being so..
thanks for everything you've given....all those treats,gifts,love...and lots lots lots...that i dunno wad iszit...but i can feel it...seriously....and u makes me feel tt at least tt's someone who care about me...
cox i'm always alone at home...and talking to non living things..or talking to imaginary frens i can think of...
you really have been a great fren to me
and i wan2 express my thanks to you and tell you how important you r to me in my life
and i dun wanna lose a good fren like you...

is kidda difficult to say everything out from my heart...takes me lots of courage to do so k...and i dun dare to tell you face to face...i think all these is abt 3/4 of wad i wanna tell you....i'll tell u the rest when the time is right...and typing all these things makes my pillow all wet....sorry i love to cry can..anw,

hope you enjoy ur bday celebration....
sorry i couldnt pass the watch to you personally...but still hope you will like it...
if u don like it...i'll cry until die...cox i didnt eat lunch and dinner for the whole week to buy tt watch...
actually there are watches that are much more nicer...but sorry i cannot afford like 200 plus...anw,tt's not important
tt time i told u i have the idea how to design the gift...but i dun have the money...
but i never expect evan to have the same idea as me..mayb not all the same...
but is the box inside with ur fav !~at least,i fulfilled how i wanna design tt gift...

hahaX..this song for u...~

thanks for all the sweet memories~
and you still own me chilli crab pasta...i don care how long i have to wait to eat tt...
tt's a promise of a lifetime...~chikalaka~

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

school today was boring---fun---tiring!!!~
heng today don have grooming check...even miss ong saw me never say my hair long...hahaX...
first lesson didnt learn anything for chemistry...then went for pe's pe okok only...not really fun la...only the first 15 mins and the last 5 mins...yup...first 15 mins we need to run 3 rounds...but i only run 2 o level prelim and the guys shouted cheer again..hahaX...
the rest of the time went to see some of my frens play basketball...cox i don feel like playing anything...until around 9.55am,1 sec two class and our class have a rubi match..and our class won...jensen the funniest...he go bang the sec 2 guy...and they all very violent...pushing here and there..hahaX...then after the match over,we went to the canteen...all chinese...cox the malays have mother tongue lesson...we also have la...but the teacher we also hack care de...10 mins later,we took the lift up to 4th floor...17 people inside..hahaX...and the lift stop at every story...thought got teacher...but heng never...but guess wad??
reach the 4th story...MS ONG!!~such a bad day...kanna caught using lift...
17 people took the lift...only 13-14 kanna caught....the rest walked off...then jensen stay in the lift go 6th floor then walked down from there...kaO!!~
then we kanna 30 push up la...then from 4th floor,go the 1st up to 7th floor...then back to the first floor again...then up to the 4th floor super tired....
the rest of the day super tiring...until last lesson,played cards for half an hour then released le extra lesson for physics went plaza for awhile...then go home le....

oh IP zone got new jacket....very nice...i like the white 1...but is 29 bucks...i got no money...hahaX....cox i wanna save money for 2 chalet,roller blade,i still own my mother 220+ dollars...haiz....broke le la...think don wanna spend so much in chalet...esp in fren's bday de...cox nth much to do in downtown..
hope n nevel quickly i can have lots lots lots fun....but i still don have mood to physics and math...lots of question i dunno how to do brain not in use le la...
broke my guitar string...i jux wanna play romans 16:19 says..then i hit the strings with my finger...then...broke the string lor...gonna asked uncle samuel to help me get the string when i have the sad super bad day...i cant play my guitar le...aRGHHHhHhhHh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~everything's wrong in life now.............

wo zhi dao ni wo duo mei you cuo...zhi shi wang le zhe meng tui huo...
xin zhe dan dan gei de chen nuo...quan bei shi jie bu le kong
wo zhi dan wo men duo mei you cuo...zhi shi fang shou hui bi jiao hao guo
zui mei de ai qing hui yi li dai que

Friday, September 15, 2006

no grooming check for today....cox raining and no need to go parade square..wooHoo!!~
and guess wad...out of 4 lesson,we attended one only......cox the rest of the teacher never come!~
haix..this is so disaster..!!~
mother tongue lesson,went to 4D watch a movie..since the chinese there invited us there...hahaX..
english...obviously never listen la...thinking thinking and keep on thinking about something*
and chan siping kanna scold by me again...super angry with her...keep on saying my hair shout at her today...very very angry ma~
recess someone paid half of the amount of my food...hahaX...sosososo good!!~
see god sending someone everyday to provide me with food...even though i didnt ask for it...hahaX..
math...aiya..i dunno wad to do...last lesson jux slack and i still thinking~ thinking~ thinking about that something...
school release at 12.30pm...and was raining...walking home while raining...thinking back~
about SEC 1....everyday playing baskeyball after school...and when raining,we are still block 8,half court,214...and the old wsss building...we are playing with water also...pouring water on everyone
i remember got 1 time walking home from wsss...while raining heavily...i was feeling super cold...and no one was walking there....feel so lonely and...VERY lonelY!!~hahahaXx...super cold...freezing like i'm going to die...but..never die leh...too bad!~
i'm gonna sick sore throat le....hao sian ar...n level yan dao le....i very lazy to study leh..
haix haiz haixxxxxXXZZz

Thursday, September 14, 2006

wooHhoo!!~school was fun fun FUN!!!!~early in the morning i scolded miss chan...she siao said my hair hair long then wad's urs?...serve her right kanna scold...hahaX....
well...our class..crazy for today...hall at 3rd story...classroom at 4th story...and we took the lift up...i think 13 people inside...and they r pushing here and there...then eng lessosn...nah...sux..!!~then pe lesson...woohoo!!~FUN!!~we know tt today got O level we got some plan during the running...WE SING while jogging for 2 rounds...we sang we will rock you and we are the fun...even thought i didnt sing..cox i got sore throat!!~sad~... went to train my leg...cox weako ar...hahaX//after pe...we went to the canteen for awhile then took the lift up again...heng never got caught,but faruoni was about to press the lift... physics...and is time to use my brain...and it did let me recall alot...cox i've been slacking alot after prelim...recess...we took the lift up lucky that we used the lift for 3 times today never kanna from teacher..cox yesterday when using lift going for extra lesson,we kanna caught on the 2nd story...then we waited for another lift to go to our class...math lesson...make me think think think....using CD period to do my math too...last lesson vincent seah never come..
tomorrow got grooming check...and i know i tt i sure will kanna de....but i have excuse...take me to the principal if u all wan2...i know wad to say already...hahaX...
wo let 90cents for tmr...hahaX...wonder will i survive

the stoopid box very ugly...i thought of buying a____ box and put tt thing it with.._________...hahhaX....very silly idea...and i don have money...try to use my next week 10 bucks...all for ur sake..i don eat leh...i hope u know who u r...hahaX...anyone sponser me money to use my silly ideas?hahaX...sch fren rawk ma..

chalet chalet CHALET!!~cant wait~...we'll be planning lots of things...but i gonna be broke...cox now different gang they have chalet...and total got 4...think i will be going 4 two only la....

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

today...everyone start to warm up le...and i think tomorrow pe lesson gonna be so damn fun...cant wait~
during flag raising...our class very sian sian de...infact the whole school la..we take so long to stand up...and hahaX...our planned for not to stand up when teacher asked to go back class...we failed...hahaX...but yesterday we did it....we were the last 5 to leave if not everytime is first 5...
when we were ask to go back class,the ong saw the two gals in our class never tuck in asked my class and 4D to go back...guess wad we away...then vincent seah go and asked us go back....hahaX...some of the people and i jux simply don care and walk off...
beumon make de dunno wad very tasty..very nice...the fnn people have cooking today///hahaa..
recess never makan money...i totally broke until begging people for food le...
math lesson never pay attendtion,english when miss chan wake me up...i don gib a damn,jux keep on sleeping...history lesson,listen mp3...the kan lesson very very very boring...
then talking about chalet stuff again...wad to buy there...and the food...oh...i cant eat prawn,no crab, no stingray....cry la...but nevermind...i can eat lots lots lots of chicken wing...lalallaalXx...people sponser 100 chicken wing...miss chan sponser 100 bucks for the chalet....we booking 3 hut at siloso price increase le...we gonna pay 20 bucks for all the food...not only for bbq nia...for 2nd day 3 meal and 1st day dinner////bcox of miss chan going...we cannot pon sch on friday...we'll check in at 3.30pm...sch release at 12.30pm then straight away go home...then meet up frens to go there lor...
went to senja grand fren buy things...then hahaX.....then got 1 fren buy 1 get 1 free the free 1 gib me eat...lolX...
oh ya...i went to math extra lesson today...and is quite my brain to think and to recall the math formule...yupyupyup...after school...went to fren treat me a packet of tibits...hahaX...i didnt beg...that fren jux good...~
i never study my history today...feeling quite tired...tomorrow ba...and friday...i gonna skip my dnt lesson and back home for history revision...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

sch today quite boring la...din know wad to do there...cox from morning till 2.30pm,we only got work to do for 1 period...mother tongue 2 period teacher never i guess i slept for half an hours...then rest of the time...listen to fren de mp3 lor...i still cant figure out why their tian tian ye ye verse different from mine f.i.r song....hahaX...english do the english comprehension...then recess////erm...recess today like kidda quiet leh...only when buying the food got lots of rubbish to talk nia...chemistry teacher never come also..then we stay in class talk lor...if not nth to do le..math...aiya practice paper studies?out of my exam list like never study at all lor...kaO~2.30pm then release extra lesson today~
oh the hot topic in school is.."hey ur msn yesterday can use ma?"ANS.."cannot leh"...the other person..."...mine can leh"...
alot of people cannot log in to msn yesterday....only afew can nia

after sch went to ten mile makan...then around 4.15pm leave tt place....went to lot1 to buy something...
actual price more than half a hundred...but manage to get discount so is more than my weekly allowance...
so now u all weekly allowance is less than half a hundred...please stop saying that i'm rich...
I"M NOT!!!~

well exam gonna start soon...3 more weeks to go...and i wanna do better than my prelim result...
wanna prepare earlier..(my so called earlier la)anw, N level is quite chicken feet no need so early la
erm....get back my report book...i got the 12th in omg la...last time i got i got 12th...
well i think the position in class is not important....cox the first failed her english....chinese good only ma....get 90+ also useless....get 1st also cannot promote...hahaX...too bad..

some of my frens already planned for the holidays activities le...hahaX...think it gonna be fun...
on the 13-15 october(we pon sch on friday all go chalet)got our 4d and 4E class chalet...but only chinese only...and our class organised de...we invited 4D to join need to pay for the chalet....only for the food,10 sentosa...coasta sand...ya...they planned alot of games...and we gonna play amazing race there? have to...i forgotten...hahaX...if i lost the game then i tell u...
then on the 13-15 november,another chalet in of my fren birthday...wooHoo...!!!~
sch holidays still have the music producer course...and mayb i'm taking drum course with my frens...oh...saving money that i have enough to spend during my holidays...hahaX...then i wanna learn how to roller blade also..cox i dunno how....need to buy 1 also....

i left less than 10 bucks for this week....sadsadsad!!!!~

Monday, September 11, 2006

first day of schooll re-open...never go sch...went to hospital...NUH...for the doctor to check my ear...i attracted alot of doctor attendtion...hahaX....i think around 4-5 doctor come and look at my ear....then when the doctor in charge finish le...the rest of the doctor still very interested to know about my so fun...lolx
oh ya...the operation on 9th october....woohoo...then still need everyweek go 1 time for injection....around 6-8 times....oh sorry ear...i dun wan this to happen to u...but wad is done,i cannot do anything...if i know all this would happen,i WONT Do tt stoopid pircing to my ear.....*hint*all tt happened...already happen...cannot take it as if it never happen at all......

before going to the hospital,i went to my ah ma house...they were talking about jeremy(my cousin) family problem...their parents wanna divorce...and the mother wan the 3 children...this is totally wtf....i think she shouldnt have wan the children,she's just using them as a tools or maid...she never take care of her children...jeremy have to iron their clothes,change the bedsheet...jeslynn have to wash all the clothes,mop the floor..even buying food also the kids buy for their mother...this totally breaks my heart into thousands of pieces...jeremy and jeslynn is my closest cousin in my father side family...seen them grown up...and they are also my childhood play mate...esp jeremy together with my sista...we r always together when we were young...jeslynn even cried...and tell his father tt she don wanna follow her mother....both jeremy and jeslynn said they wanna follow ah ma....oh my!~they are still so young...bro 13,sista 11,the younger 1 i think 3 ba....
they wanna fight for the 3 kids back...hired a lawyer i think this gonna be a great show...and tt bitch said tt...if we(as in my father side family) take the 3 children....she gonna commit suicide...jump of building?jump into the sea?eat panodol like wad she did 5 years ago together with beer?oH mY?....go do it man!who cares....she's totally a freak...treat her kids this way......if i withness how she treat her kids....disaster gonna happen to her....called my whole gang down whack her until she half died....and the stoopid father of hers went to my grandparents hse and scold them and my uncle....VULGARITIES!!!hahahaX...they INVITED police to SEND him off......hahahaX...but no interesting...if i know about this matter earlier,i can check out where he stay...then when he go near his block there can play trick on him...hahaX....ask some fren to join along also can de ma...anw,he also dunno who we kelian de cousin...

tomorrow sch le...erm...hope to have fun with the inFAMOUS....cox i've been super bored this few days...and someone keep on disturbing me...pissing me off.........

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

finally....N'level chinese and social studies OVER!!~wooHoo!!~no need to study this two subjects le...such a headache subject which i cannot really handle...but i did my best studying...not real best but last min best...heeHeEhEeXxX!!!!~gonna study for the rest of the subject soon...esp the subjects i'm weaker Dnt,chemistry and history...although history and dnt..i don know anything at all...i'll try to study...then the result slip grade will be nicer...don have really kidda impossibe but let's hope la....anyway paid money for the exam least study abit...afew paper cost almost like 40bucks...for 1 subject...wah...must write more...bu ran hen lang fei...hahahahaXx...after september holidays,then 3 more weeks to all the subjects n level exam gonna work hard...must remind me to study leh...if not i forgot!!

school re-open de first day i'm NOT going to school....gonna go to hospital for the doctor to check my EAR and....depends on wad the doctor wanna do with my ear la...if he/she wan2 cut off...then i will have no ears
la....hahaXx....but is impossible la...even the doctor wan2 cut...i wont allow...hahaX...then after tt...will make a appointment for the operation la...yup...FRIENDS please help to tell teacher if u happen to read THIS!!!~THANKS!!!!~

TOMORROW who wanna go edmund's stall makan msg me k...?around 6-7pm for dinner...

friday...?should i go for the night cycling??.....wonder if i have the legs are weak..esp my knees...very weak...think i will go ba...if not i'll bored to death at home...everyday alone at home...anw,kenny kor kor got go...then the night cycling wont be bored le..cox i don really like mixing with the youth...i prefer mixing with people older than me....but even though the youth some are older than me...they are still so.......

hahaX....u wanna wad i think about them....i wont tell!!...

Monday, September 04, 2006

i never study my chinese today....!!!!!!!!!!~
sorry gracie never accompany u go find renfred...cox only him and his paiseh....srysrysry~~
my game last less than 3 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

Saturday, September 02, 2006

friday...i got no mood to study....then was...writing my chapter 2 notes...but only manage to finish half...was very boring at to wenhao on the phone almost 1 and a half hour....dotdotdot......keep on ignoring me..

sat...i been writing my notes since 11am...the social studies...haix...and i write until 9pm...not all the way la...think got rest for less than 2 hours la...ya...and...i think i learn abit sec 3 topic...2,3,5,6,7
sec 4 topic 1,4....then i cannot absorbed all i planned to study chapter 2,3...and sec 4 chapter...guess 1 of them will come out middle finger...pain pain pain after writing for so many hours...actually wanna go maxwell eat de...with kenny...but in the end he got another funtion to attend...
so never go lor...
u r still ignoring me...even though u said u r not...

toking on the phone with the friendly guy wenhao...hahaX...lame.."zhen de meh?"lame shit~~

going to church tomorrow...and...ZZzZzz...kidda boring...think going to study after tt..

Thursday, August 31, 2006

enjoy~ is the teacher's day celebration....yupyupyup....did went to sch...and overall was quite fun la...though the concert nothing special....but my class perform...all the malays la...but they did well esp ryan....he played very well in the drum...haha....the lucky draw....aiya...none of our class business....all the express get it...only like 1 nt pupols got the mountain's all...the rest all the express..oh ya...i guess the best video dedication is ours....cox the people in the hall love it lotsthey laughed,they scream with joy...hahaX..they saw guru gan in the picture ma...hahaX....will upload and let u all see ya...all the activities end at 11am...and our class got party...around 12+i left the school to my pri sch...with gui go back to pri sch...then met chin leong there...then when we r inside unity pri sch,saw chantel(i jux know her),phylis,yaolong,weide,bingwei,cheewai,kevin,xue yi,...then after tt went to yew tee to have our lunch...then met up with jielun,heng wyn...then also saw lester,and teck han...i think so...i dun remember their name...we all grown up...and hahax...all look so different le...when saw some of them,don even remember them le...esp weide..he getting more shuai...hahax...too bad din see patrick there...he's my best fren 2000...hahaX...when we pri 4 de shi huo...very close de....anw,tmr no time?....n level this coming monday and tuesday...chinese and social studies...wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Jesus you have touched my life for everyhing you've done
i cant live without you
thank you for all blessing
you had placed in my life

Em D C,Em D C D
your love had changed my life
now on i live for you

Jesus you have been here for me in my life
every moment i live,i thank you lord
jesus you are th light that guide my way
thank you lord
wonder how's nicholas....he's in boy's home now.....but when will he be coming out.....hope he will be out soon.....~~~~~~

Monday, August 28, 2006

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ dunno wad chinese mock examination...and i hate it to the core...then still got 3 days we have chinese from morning till 12.30 from tmr is the exam...shit i din even know about this....totally sux....!!!~everything sux..i got no chinese dictionary with me and i dunno how to write...fuck!~
vincent seah never come we only have last lesson physics....
MR GAN CAME BACK TO SCHOOL TODAY....but i never SEE him...kao...this is super disaster!!!!!!!~never got a chance to talk to him....
went to plaza to find ccc album...cant find...then went to lot1...i asked tt idiot about the ccc album...then she said got...guess wad they show me...don moen....fuck la...big different cheee bye the person...then i jux went home...bad day~

yesterday i reached home at 2am...very late ar...hahaX....after church went to watch the left behind part 3...erm...the front very sian...then after tt went to alan's house...hahaX....a very nice place to play hide and seek...wahahaX/...and school of rock is so funni...too bad...jux watched abit only...then went off to marina south for steamboat...oh...mark treat me...i only need to pay 2 bucks...hahaX...had great time with them...reached there around 6.15pm...then eat all the way until 9.4opm lots of young adults...woohoo!~tt's y is fun ar...dexian came too...he's such a humble guy..hahax...and the mark talking crap all the time...very rubbish...oh ya..and edmund was doing dunno wad...then the guy next to the table keep on looking at food edmund and mark,dexian,wenlong keep on laughing away...and toking crap after finish the food...hahaX....ALOYSIUS gave me a keychain doggy also...hahaX...after tt they were planning where to go next...then after tt dunno y...only me and cheryl left in the carpark...then we jux sit down there and talked...then some of them went home...some went to ang mo kio chit chat...then went to play pool...then home..~

if only can go out everyweek after church like last time then jiu hao le...everyweek go paradiz daytona...then go tou hua before going home....ppl missing in church belinda and christine...they never hang out with us anymore....last time when meeting over,will take 65...then like tt lor...i still remember tt time took lots of picture in the funni...
now everyone seems to very busy and missing in action........
tt time wenlong bday...we went to mr bean there shi zui hao wan de...

Saturday, August 26, 2006

today is the most special sat i the year 2006....usually sat i'll stay home or be in church...but dun like to be in church now so will stay home...hahaX... i went to school for chinese extra lesson...from 9am-1130am...the lesson start late 9.15am...teacher gave us a break at 9.55am...said to go back class at at tt and some of the guys...went to senja grand coffee shop there buy something to eat...i bought rice and ice milo...we took 30mins to buy...then when having lesson,we jux eat lor...after tt,lesson end at 12noon...anyway,i did listen abit la...i think this extra lesson is some sort of chilling...hahaX..
after tt went to plaza....then after awhile they wanna go home...and some said they were we jux ate in the food court....kao...guess wad i ate for my the rice i bought at the coffeeshop...and together with chicken rice and a starwberry kisses...ok...i spent 10 bucks today....i got no money for tomorrow lunch...haiz...i'm getting poor nowadays....HAIXXXxX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~after tt...everyone thinking of going home...when walking to the esculator,sinni suddenly shouted(not too loud)AH BEN!! first i thought is the star idol ben...then i turned around i saw ah bEn kor kor...the one acted in the channel 8,9pm show..."da nan ren,xiao nan ren"he was a restaurant..but he was sitting near the glass he looked at us...and i dunno whether iszit normal reaction...i waved to him...hahaX...then he's face reaction was like.."er...hi"...then he show and sign asked to go support the dunno wad show outside at 2pm...then we went down the esculator...i thought of having pic with cecilia and beumon went home,jolene,sinni and yingru waited for ben...actually only me and jolene waited...the rest jux accompany us...hahaX...waited around 15mins...then they al...all shyshy...dun dare ask him...then i go lor...anywy he very friendly de ma..and very crappy also...then he agreed...but he said must go support him the we went until 3pm then went home le...i dunno wad to do now...i'm bored....!!~

Friday, August 25, 2006

ok...sch..was quite ok la...first lesson was...mother tongue...then i only listen abit only..then lyn down on the table le...english lesson..i forgot wad we do...math lesoon...went to study room 1...and...opp!`...i throw away the paper..cox i used the paper to hit people during recess...hahaX....during recess was fun i guess...lots of crap...and rubbish...then while i was hitting them,i dunno y...i jux hitted charmaiine,and oh..she scared of yan lao shi..we are still having disagreement about the worship songs and all the rock style christian songs...yup...and u are getting fat...opP!!~PLEASE don pinch me..hahaX.. after recess is social is slacking time...i chatted awhile..then went to the other table to play true or dare when we guess the number correctly...hahaX...kidda fun la...after tt...went to the canteen until 1pm then went to the stuff room outside...kanna call la...cox i skipped's y..need to stay back...tonorrow sat still need to go to sch for chinese extra prepare for our n level examination...coming up soon on 4 sep...i hope i can score well...hahaX...after sch went plaza..then go home le...tired~~i wanna perform in teacher's day concert....i wanna go west mall tomorrow...cox singapore idol top5 going at 2pm..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

Thursday, August 24, 2006

first pic....we got nothing to do...and feel like some jux lyn down and some sat down...and someone took the pic..hahaX...believe it or not..

the other pic is with paul twohill....hahaX....but he don wanna look into the camera ...
the other pic is acting cool....

here's the pic we took together...we still got take many pic...but i only got these 4 pics at the moments....shall upload some nice one if i get some more....oh ya...we gonna do a video less than 3 mins for the teacher....
thanking all the teacher....but i guess...all the teacher put in effort...but i prefer mr simon gan teaching method...cox he''s crappi..miss him lots...hope he will come back on teacher's day so tt we can see him...and we also wanna dedicate the video to him!!!~
ToDay....sch was...FUN---->TIRING----->BAD!!!!!!

early in the morning is english lesson...and teacher asked us dunoo do wad...i forgot liao...then dun let us go change to our class t-shirt for our pe lesson...then when 8.50am and janice jux went out of the classroom without telling her and go changed...5mins before 9am,we went down for our pe lesson....didnt run today...took height and weight....58kg...170cm...hahaX.....then after tt i played basketball with my frens....and MY TEAM LOST~)(*&^%$#@~!!!!!
then after pe is physics....physics teacher never come ma...and is time to have fun...our class taking class photo...not in class...but...near the pond and in the the pond,i was at the u can see me clearly...hahax...and lots of people looking at us...hahaX....our class fans...still got lots wan my autograph!!~lolx..then lots of pose we did...AFTER tt we went to the canteen...we thought we can have early recess...then daryl told us tt the teacher gonna call mr when i was ABOUT to buy drinks...they all shouted we all saw him too....all of us run to the the hall...and our photo taking continue...hahaX..we took lots of funni pic again...then 11am went for recess...i drank 2 cups of sweety nana...aka ribena..heeX*and ate rice...erm...i dunno why...i suddenly become siao...and when recess over,only some of my frens still there...i sat on the CANTEEN FLOOR.....and i started singing...cox no 1 there..only my frens...hahaX...even there is i will still sing..hahaX....then more ppl will come and take my autograph ma~
then went back class is math lesson...oh...i slept during lesson...cox was too tired...and the teacher asked us to change back to our uniform...but i very stubbon...i dun wan...hahaX....after math...went to IT lab 1...for a dunno wad de la...very sian....40mins then go back le...then we all walk out from the it lab,we all planned to take lift...then 30+people in the lift...then dunno y chan siping suddenly appear...then take stairs lor...and then i stand at the corridor there poosing for people to take pic...hahaX...~ming xing jiu shi ze yang!!~hahaX....then after tt is chemistry lesson...oh..sian...then when teacher give me the worksheet,after he walked away,i crushed it and throw it away...hahax...
then 2.30pm...lesson end....and we gonna see mr chong because we didnt go to math extra he was very drama mama there....quite funni...hahaX...think tomorrow gonna stay back...cox i skipped lesson...hahaX...and the leature like a drama..end at 3.15pm....when i went down to the canteen is this time la...then we ate our lunch then when around 3.35pm...(we wanna skip english,and when chan siping came down)she was going mad...and this is when the bad mood start...we wanna take lift but she asked us to take the stairs...then she was like shouting like hell...and then she was shouting to eileen...oh...and many people hot....laoshu,daryl,eileen...and beumon...lot sof people la...after awhile then no more le..reached home around 5.40pm...hahaX....very tired today...think i gonna sleep early later...hahax..i dunno....seeya soon...

"i love 4E....i love school~i love frens!!~i lovE....*staRs~...i love sweety nanaX...*i lOve supporterS of MINE!!!~I LOVE U!!!!!~youyouyou!!~Oh...i love my ouxiang~i love...~JESUS~...i love to act retarded..acting different character...hahaX...let me think...i still love...all my bears...~and the bear i bought for evan...oh..i miss it...i love *mehmeh*...i miss the smell.....~i love the owner of mehmeh~Oh...u noE who u R~......and i love u!!~you yOu you!!~reading my blogger~...oh..i love the young adults!!~i still love....drums...guitar!!!~jamming...been years since i jam...i still love my buttercup!!~i love mr gan too!!!~i love my com,tv,handphone...and RYAN TAN WEIWEN!!!~he's the sweetest guy in the planet!!~

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

i got back my mother tongue paper....paper 1...36/70,paper 2..39.5/70,paper 3..18/ i got 58.75/100 including oral....Aw!!~1 mark plus to B4....+_)(*&^%$#@!!!!!!~
social studies i got 14/50...hahaX...the lousiest i scored...even weaker than history...wah~surprise...
english paper 1 also got back...jux pass..30/ sux....then chemistry i FAILED!!!!~....i feel like dying...ok...i never got 22/50...and my combine science...chemistry and physics...i got 65.5!!~kns la...B3 leh....i feel so down after getting the result...and feel like crying...i kept quiet for the whole period..and think after the period i ok le i got 8 points le leh...wah..hope my math will get A1 or i can get 10 points or 9 B3 please....!!!!~hope is A1 la....
TODAY math teacher never come to never get result...hope she come tomorrow ba...really hope to get the result...
during math period,teacher not we don wanna got to the we stayed in th eclassroom...and they were playing some songs...then after tt dunno why they all go crowd around th table...and look at the handphone laughing like i'm CURIOUS to find out wad's going on...not KPO ar...then i watched the video in the STUFF!!~OHh!!~they used the...aiya....dun say here la...~....
oh ya...i skipped chemistry extra lesson today...cox i don feel like went plaza with my "after school gang"and they went talking about.....dirty stuff too...but is i joined...hahaX...but not tt jux like laughing about...the guy and the gal they all...LJ...hahax...nothing...i forgotten..~then went to plaza...we went crazy again..hahaX...lots of stoopid things we did...shh!!~don tell u all..

oH...i saw don moen cd out...dunno when out de...but i saw it today...people who wanna go buy can buy le...i'm not interested..i'm waiting for CHRISTIAN CITY CHURCH ALBUM to be out!!!!!!~wooHoo!!~

Monday, August 21, 2006

today..sch kidda sux...reach sch at 8.20am+..then first lesson...was very boring..history..and got back the history prelim paper...8/'s super sux...and i fell asleep during history....english back prelim paper...only for paper 2...oh i pass...but only 42/80...also very sux...gonna get back paper 1 physics back too..i passed....43.5/50...erm...not sux...but not good..i thought i could get 45 and above...oh...but let's hope i will pass my chemistry..31.5 and i can get A1 for my combine science...if not get 26.5-31...then i can get A2...though my aim is B3...but i think my other subject is i need the extra points help me get less than 10...or maybe 9...yup...math haven get back...but hope to score A1 also...and chinese...maybe a b3....or a b4...cox my chinese is super i never expect myself to get a A1...even though i get's sec 1,2,3 time...hahaX...
got my dnt also...30/ improve leh...from lesser than 20 to 30...hahaX...but today got 3 period of dnt...means 3 hours...wah!~totally SUX SUX SUX!!!~and i was feeling very tired....
after tt went plaza for awhile...then back home le...hope tomorrow will be very fun~9 more days to sch holidays...and i dun wanna have the holidays...cox i guess will be very sian...i wont be going out with my frens...jux stay home and i hate it...sux sUX SUX!!~

oh ya...yesterday evan recieved my gift...she told me she gan dong until wan2 cry...and she gave me a sweet...hahaX...

star mia for the moment!~