Friday, August 25, 2006

ok...sch..was quite ok la...first lesson was...mother tongue...then i only listen abit only..then lyn down on the table le...english lesson..i forgot wad we do...math lesoon...went to study room 1...and...opp!`...i throw away the paper..cox i used the paper to hit people during recess...hahaX....during recess was fun i guess...lots of crap...and rubbish...then while i was hitting them,i dunno y...i jux hitted charmaiine,and oh..she scared of yan lao shi..we are still having disagreement about the worship songs and all the rock style christian songs...yup...and u are getting fat...opP!!~PLEASE don pinch me..hahaX.. after recess is social is slacking time...i chatted awhile..then went to the other table to play true or dare when we guess the number correctly...hahaX...kidda fun la...after tt...went to the canteen until 1pm then went to the stuff room outside...kanna call la...cox i skipped's y..need to stay back...tonorrow sat still need to go to sch for chinese extra prepare for our n level examination...coming up soon on 4 sep...i hope i can score well...hahaX...after sch went plaza..then go home le...tired~~i wanna perform in teacher's day concert....i wanna go west mall tomorrow...cox singapore idol top5 going at 2pm..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

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