Monday, August 28, 2006

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ dunno wad chinese mock examination...and i hate it to the core...then still got 3 days we have chinese from morning till 12.30 from tmr is the exam...shit i din even know about this....totally sux....!!!~everything sux..i got no chinese dictionary with me and i dunno how to write...fuck!~
vincent seah never come we only have last lesson physics....
MR GAN CAME BACK TO SCHOOL TODAY....but i never SEE him...kao...this is super disaster!!!!!!!~never got a chance to talk to him....
went to plaza to find ccc album...cant find...then went to lot1...i asked tt idiot about the ccc album...then she said got...guess wad they show me...don moen....fuck la...big different cheee bye the person...then i jux went home...bad day~

yesterday i reached home at 2am...very late ar...hahaX....after church went to watch the left behind part 3...erm...the front very sian...then after tt went to alan's house...hahaX....a very nice place to play hide and seek...wahahaX/...and school of rock is so funni...too bad...jux watched abit only...then went off to marina south for steamboat...oh...mark treat me...i only need to pay 2 bucks...hahaX...had great time with them...reached there around 6.15pm...then eat all the way until 9.4opm lots of young adults...woohoo!~tt's y is fun ar...dexian came too...he's such a humble guy..hahax...and the mark talking crap all the time...very rubbish...oh ya..and edmund was doing dunno wad...then the guy next to the table keep on looking at food edmund and mark,dexian,wenlong keep on laughing away...and toking crap after finish the food...hahaX....ALOYSIUS gave me a keychain doggy also...hahaX...after tt they were planning where to go next...then after tt dunno y...only me and cheryl left in the carpark...then we jux sit down there and talked...then some of them went home...some went to ang mo kio chit chat...then went to play pool...then home..~

if only can go out everyweek after church like last time then jiu hao le...everyweek go paradiz daytona...then go tou hua before going home....ppl missing in church belinda and christine...they never hang out with us anymore....last time when meeting over,will take 65...then like tt lor...i still remember tt time took lots of picture in the funni...
now everyone seems to very busy and missing in action........
tt time wenlong bday...we went to mr bean there shi zui hao wan de...

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