Thursday, August 31, 2006

enjoy~ is the teacher's day celebration....yupyupyup....did went to sch...and overall was quite fun la...though the concert nothing special....but my class perform...all the malays la...but they did well esp ryan....he played very well in the drum...haha....the lucky draw....aiya...none of our class business....all the express get it...only like 1 nt pupols got the mountain's all...the rest all the express..oh ya...i guess the best video dedication is ours....cox the people in the hall love it lotsthey laughed,they scream with joy...hahaX..they saw guru gan in the picture ma...hahaX....will upload and let u all see ya...all the activities end at 11am...and our class got party...around 12+i left the school to my pri sch...with gui go back to pri sch...then met chin leong there...then when we r inside unity pri sch,saw chantel(i jux know her),phylis,yaolong,weide,bingwei,cheewai,kevin,xue yi,...then after tt went to yew tee to have our lunch...then met up with jielun,heng wyn...then also saw lester,and teck han...i think so...i dun remember their name...we all grown up...and hahax...all look so different le...when saw some of them,don even remember them le...esp weide..he getting more shuai...hahax...too bad din see patrick there...he's my best fren 2000...hahaX...when we pri 4 de shi huo...very close de....anw,tmr no time?....n level this coming monday and tuesday...chinese and social studies...wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Jesus you have touched my life for everyhing you've done
i cant live without you
thank you for all blessing
you had placed in my life

Em D C,Em D C D
your love had changed my life
now on i live for you

Jesus you have been here for me in my life
every moment i live,i thank you lord
jesus you are th light that guide my way
thank you lord
wonder how's nicholas....he's in boy's home now.....but when will he be coming out.....hope he will be out soon.....~~~~~~

Monday, August 28, 2006

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ dunno wad chinese mock examination...and i hate it to the core...then still got 3 days we have chinese from morning till 12.30 from tmr is the exam...shit i din even know about this....totally sux....!!!~everything sux..i got no chinese dictionary with me and i dunno how to write...fuck!~
vincent seah never come we only have last lesson physics....
MR GAN CAME BACK TO SCHOOL TODAY....but i never SEE him...kao...this is super disaster!!!!!!!~never got a chance to talk to him....
went to plaza to find ccc album...cant find...then went to lot1...i asked tt idiot about the ccc album...then she said got...guess wad they show me...don moen....fuck la...big different cheee bye the person...then i jux went home...bad day~

yesterday i reached home at 2am...very late ar...hahaX....after church went to watch the left behind part 3...erm...the front very sian...then after tt went to alan's house...hahaX....a very nice place to play hide and seek...wahahaX/...and school of rock is so funni...too bad...jux watched abit only...then went off to marina south for steamboat...oh...mark treat me...i only need to pay 2 bucks...hahaX...had great time with them...reached there around 6.15pm...then eat all the way until 9.4opm lots of young adults...woohoo!~tt's y is fun ar...dexian came too...he's such a humble guy..hahax...and the mark talking crap all the time...very rubbish...oh ya..and edmund was doing dunno wad...then the guy next to the table keep on looking at food edmund and mark,dexian,wenlong keep on laughing away...and toking crap after finish the food...hahaX....ALOYSIUS gave me a keychain doggy also...hahaX...after tt they were planning where to go next...then after tt dunno y...only me and cheryl left in the carpark...then we jux sit down there and talked...then some of them went home...some went to ang mo kio chit chat...then went to play pool...then home..~

if only can go out everyweek after church like last time then jiu hao le...everyweek go paradiz daytona...then go tou hua before going home....ppl missing in church belinda and christine...they never hang out with us anymore....last time when meeting over,will take 65...then like tt lor...i still remember tt time took lots of picture in the funni...
now everyone seems to very busy and missing in action........
tt time wenlong bday...we went to mr bean there shi zui hao wan de...

Saturday, August 26, 2006

today is the most special sat i the year 2006....usually sat i'll stay home or be in church...but dun like to be in church now so will stay home...hahaX... i went to school for chinese extra lesson...from 9am-1130am...the lesson start late 9.15am...teacher gave us a break at 9.55am...said to go back class at at tt and some of the guys...went to senja grand coffee shop there buy something to eat...i bought rice and ice milo...we took 30mins to buy...then when having lesson,we jux eat lor...after tt,lesson end at 12noon...anyway,i did listen abit la...i think this extra lesson is some sort of chilling...hahaX..
after tt went to plaza....then after awhile they wanna go home...and some said they were we jux ate in the food court....kao...guess wad i ate for my the rice i bought at the coffeeshop...and together with chicken rice and a starwberry kisses...ok...i spent 10 bucks today....i got no money for tomorrow lunch...haiz...i'm getting poor nowadays....HAIXXXxX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~after tt...everyone thinking of going home...when walking to the esculator,sinni suddenly shouted(not too loud)AH BEN!! first i thought is the star idol ben...then i turned around i saw ah bEn kor kor...the one acted in the channel 8,9pm show..."da nan ren,xiao nan ren"he was a restaurant..but he was sitting near the glass he looked at us...and i dunno whether iszit normal reaction...i waved to him...hahaX...then he's face reaction was like.."er...hi"...then he show and sign asked to go support the dunno wad show outside at 2pm...then we went down the esculator...i thought of having pic with cecilia and beumon went home,jolene,sinni and yingru waited for ben...actually only me and jolene waited...the rest jux accompany us...hahaX...waited around 15mins...then they al...all shyshy...dun dare ask him...then i go lor...anywy he very friendly de ma..and very crappy also...then he agreed...but he said must go support him the we went until 3pm then went home le...i dunno wad to do now...i'm bored....!!~

Friday, August 25, 2006

ok...sch..was quite ok la...first lesson was...mother tongue...then i only listen abit only..then lyn down on the table le...english lesson..i forgot wad we do...math lesoon...went to study room 1...and...opp!`...i throw away the paper..cox i used the paper to hit people during recess...hahaX....during recess was fun i guess...lots of crap...and rubbish...then while i was hitting them,i dunno y...i jux hitted charmaiine,and oh..she scared of yan lao shi..we are still having disagreement about the worship songs and all the rock style christian songs...yup...and u are getting fat...opP!!~PLEASE don pinch me..hahaX.. after recess is social is slacking time...i chatted awhile..then went to the other table to play true or dare when we guess the number correctly...hahaX...kidda fun la...after tt...went to the canteen until 1pm then went to the stuff room outside...kanna call la...cox i skipped's y..need to stay back...tonorrow sat still need to go to sch for chinese extra prepare for our n level examination...coming up soon on 4 sep...i hope i can score well...hahaX...after sch went plaza..then go home le...tired~~i wanna perform in teacher's day concert....i wanna go west mall tomorrow...cox singapore idol top5 going at 2pm..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

Thursday, August 24, 2006

first pic....we got nothing to do...and feel like some jux lyn down and some sat down...and someone took the pic..hahaX...believe it or not..

the other pic is with paul twohill....hahaX....but he don wanna look into the camera ...
the other pic is acting cool....

here's the pic we took together...we still got take many pic...but i only got these 4 pics at the moments....shall upload some nice one if i get some more....oh ya...we gonna do a video less than 3 mins for the teacher....
thanking all the teacher....but i guess...all the teacher put in effort...but i prefer mr simon gan teaching method...cox he''s crappi..miss him lots...hope he will come back on teacher's day so tt we can see him...and we also wanna dedicate the video to him!!!~
ToDay....sch was...FUN---->TIRING----->BAD!!!!!!

early in the morning is english lesson...and teacher asked us dunoo do wad...i forgot liao...then dun let us go change to our class t-shirt for our pe lesson...then when 8.50am and janice jux went out of the classroom without telling her and go changed...5mins before 9am,we went down for our pe lesson....didnt run today...took height and weight....58kg...170cm...hahaX.....then after tt i played basketball with my frens....and MY TEAM LOST~)(*&^%$#@~!!!!!
then after pe is physics....physics teacher never come ma...and is time to have fun...our class taking class photo...not in class...but...near the pond and in the the pond,i was at the u can see me clearly...hahax...and lots of people looking at us...hahaX....our class fans...still got lots wan my autograph!!~lolx..then lots of pose we did...AFTER tt we went to the canteen...we thought we can have early recess...then daryl told us tt the teacher gonna call mr when i was ABOUT to buy drinks...they all shouted we all saw him too....all of us run to the the hall...and our photo taking continue...hahaX..we took lots of funni pic again...then 11am went for recess...i drank 2 cups of sweety nana...aka ribena..heeX*and ate rice...erm...i dunno why...i suddenly become siao...and when recess over,only some of my frens still there...i sat on the CANTEEN FLOOR.....and i started singing...cox no 1 there..only my frens...hahaX...even there is i will still sing..hahaX....then more ppl will come and take my autograph ma~
then went back class is math lesson...oh...i slept during lesson...cox was too tired...and the teacher asked us to change back to our uniform...but i very stubbon...i dun wan...hahaX....after math...went to IT lab 1...for a dunno wad de la...very sian....40mins then go back le...then we all walk out from the it lab,we all planned to take lift...then 30+people in the lift...then dunno y chan siping suddenly appear...then take stairs lor...and then i stand at the corridor there poosing for people to take pic...hahaX...~ming xing jiu shi ze yang!!~hahaX....then after tt is chemistry lesson...oh..sian...then when teacher give me the worksheet,after he walked away,i crushed it and throw it away...hahax...
then 2.30pm...lesson end....and we gonna see mr chong because we didnt go to math extra he was very drama mama there....quite funni...hahaX...think tomorrow gonna stay back...cox i skipped lesson...hahaX...and the leature like a drama..end at 3.15pm....when i went down to the canteen is this time la...then we ate our lunch then when around 3.35pm...(we wanna skip english,and when chan siping came down)she was going mad...and this is when the bad mood start...we wanna take lift but she asked us to take the stairs...then she was like shouting like hell...and then she was shouting to eileen...oh...and many people hot....laoshu,daryl,eileen...and beumon...lot sof people la...after awhile then no more le..reached home around 5.40pm...hahaX....very tired today...think i gonna sleep early later...hahax..i dunno....seeya soon...

"i love 4E....i love school~i love frens!!~i lovE....*staRs~...i love sweety nanaX...*i lOve supporterS of MINE!!!~I LOVE U!!!!!~youyouyou!!~Oh...i love my ouxiang~i love...~JESUS~...i love to act retarded..acting different character...hahaX...let me think...i still love...all my bears...~and the bear i bought for evan...oh..i miss it...i love *mehmeh*...i miss the smell.....~i love the owner of mehmeh~Oh...u noE who u R~......and i love u!!~you yOu you!!~reading my blogger~...oh..i love the young adults!!~i still love....drums...guitar!!!~jamming...been years since i jam...i still love my buttercup!!~i love mr gan too!!!~i love my com,tv,handphone...and RYAN TAN WEIWEN!!!~he's the sweetest guy in the planet!!~

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

i got back my mother tongue paper....paper 1...36/70,paper 2..39.5/70,paper 3..18/ i got 58.75/100 including oral....Aw!!~1 mark plus to B4....+_)(*&^%$#@!!!!!!~
social studies i got 14/50...hahaX...the lousiest i scored...even weaker than history...wah~surprise...
english paper 1 also got back...jux pass..30/ sux....then chemistry i FAILED!!!!~....i feel like dying...ok...i never got 22/50...and my combine science...chemistry and physics...i got 65.5!!~kns la...B3 leh....i feel so down after getting the result...and feel like crying...i kept quiet for the whole period..and think after the period i ok le i got 8 points le leh...wah..hope my math will get A1 or i can get 10 points or 9 B3 please....!!!!~hope is A1 la....
TODAY math teacher never come to never get result...hope she come tomorrow ba...really hope to get the result...
during math period,teacher not we don wanna got to the we stayed in th eclassroom...and they were playing some songs...then after tt dunno why they all go crowd around th table...and look at the handphone laughing like i'm CURIOUS to find out wad's going on...not KPO ar...then i watched the video in the STUFF!!~OHh!!~they used the...aiya....dun say here la...~....
oh ya...i skipped chemistry extra lesson today...cox i don feel like went plaza with my "after school gang"and they went talking about.....dirty stuff too...but is i joined...hahaX...but not tt jux like laughing about...the guy and the gal they all...LJ...hahax...nothing...i forgotten..~then went to plaza...we went crazy again..hahaX...lots of stoopid things we did...shh!!~don tell u all..

oH...i saw don moen cd out...dunno when out de...but i saw it today...people who wanna go buy can buy le...i'm not interested..i'm waiting for CHRISTIAN CITY CHURCH ALBUM to be out!!!!!!~wooHoo!!~

Monday, August 21, 2006

today..sch kidda sux...reach sch at 8.20am+..then first lesson...was very boring..history..and got back the history prelim paper...8/'s super sux...and i fell asleep during history....english back prelim paper...only for paper 2...oh i pass...but only 42/80...also very sux...gonna get back paper 1 physics back too..i passed....43.5/50...erm...not sux...but not good..i thought i could get 45 and above...oh...but let's hope i will pass my chemistry..31.5 and i can get A1 for my combine science...if not get 26.5-31...then i can get A2...though my aim is B3...but i think my other subject is i need the extra points help me get less than 10...or maybe 9...yup...math haven get back...but hope to score A1 also...and chinese...maybe a b3....or a b4...cox my chinese is super i never expect myself to get a A1...even though i get's sec 1,2,3 time...hahaX...
got my dnt also...30/ improve leh...from lesser than 20 to 30...hahaX...but today got 3 period of dnt...means 3 hours...wah!~totally SUX SUX SUX!!!~and i was feeling very tired....
after tt went plaza for awhile...then back home le...hope tomorrow will be very fun~9 more days to sch holidays...and i dun wanna have the holidays...cox i guess will be very sian...i wont be going out with my frens...jux stay home and i hate it...sux sUX SUX!!~

oh ya...yesterday evan recieved my gift...she told me she gan dong until wan2 cry...and she gave me a sweet...hahaX...

star mia for the moment!~

Saturday, August 19, 2006

this is how the bear looks like...and the flower..i jux add in yesterday...oh..i don bare to leave this time shall go evan's house often to visit you k...must miss me eh!~...i will miss u de.....


wo hui xiang ni de...

the t-shirt very i wish is mine!~///hahaX..

oh...enough of my rubbish..~

hey yuting~i'm giving u hint*...get it?!~

Friday, August 18, 2006

today!!SUPER DUPER EXCITING!!!~hahaX....and of course FUN!!~ need to go school early...need to reach the auditorium at took mrt then lrt to sch...reach around 9.40am....then reach auditorium...they go label there which class sit which rows...then u know wad...the fucking express jux 1 class got 3 rows...then 4d and 4e only got 1 la...then daryl and some of the malays change the lable..and 4d and 4e take up 3 rows....and we were ask to get up and sit at the extra chairs behind...this is totally wft man?!!~mr seet told us on thursday tt he will reserve the sits for us...then in the end....talked shit only~4d and 4e was all totally freak out and guess wad....everyone left...50 plus people....all's kidda cool...i'm so sad to say i left too...~hahaX...then after tt they find us and asked us to sit at the front...guess wad again...the 4A took our sits...and again...we were super angry already...*i was not angry,i'm jux unhappy becox..they treat us like extra...and the star was inside...din get to talk*....give them another chance....they asked to sit at the extra chairs...we went in...and the student leaders took our sits....WAH!~then they really very angry we all waited at the cantten...wait for the right time go get out of the school.....hahaX...when mr seet and the speaker walke dto the auditorium,50+ of us walk out together...the security guard..scared la...dun dare to catch us...wahhaa!!~then we all go plaza...all i guess...cox when reach there walk everywhere also 4d and 4e friends....HOPE dun kanna from mr seet on monday...anyway we got our siva chased us out of the room....!~he's a asshole...

went to causeway point after plaza...with yongshan,yingru,jolene,sinni,yvonne,cecilia,beumon...yup...went to watch the thailand show...GHOST GAME...!!!~i love tt so exciting...and you cant guess wad is gonna happen next in tt show...but tt's some disgusting part i hate...!~esp using the chisel..put on the throat...then use the hard rock and knock it in!~eeeyEr!!~very de er xin!!~....i kanna scare 1-2 times...but my frens are all scary cat...hahaX...i was laughing when they kanna scare...the part was so funni la...i cant figure out y they are shouting...when i'm laughing!!!!!!!!~HAHAHAHAHA!!!~...the show about 1 hour 45 mins...after tt we went to the library...saw lots of westspringer....and bryan with his other gonna be hurt half...not being bad or rude...but is true la...everyone can see tt...cox she's a express and a student leader...bryan wont like such a gal 1 lor...watermelon...hahaX...~but she look like...*********...yup...after tt around 4+ we went home...yup...oh..i got the f.i.r new song~woohoo!!~

tomorrow gonna be evan's birthday...Oh~...but i'm not gonna give the present her on sunday...cox i bu she de the la...i lazy to go church...i dunno if tmr got mm anot...anyway...i'm lazy....hahaX...tomorrow think gonna stay home and my naruto...i dunno...will see about it~...cya~

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

hahahahahaahhahaXX.....finally!!!!~i went to jurong do the t-shirt....and this is the only t-shirt left for this size...and don have any stock anymore!!!!!~wooHoo!!~thank god...i got it...!!~ok....intro~
the happy birthday with the bear is the front of the t-shirt....and is the nicest of all design la...hahaX....
the the one with evan's name on it....i bought the E-A-N in the shop...and i went to buy the V-with the bear on it and the his love endures forever in the other shop.....
hey!~this is the first gift i bought...adding in creativity ok...though it look simple...
anyway evan wont be seeing is ok to put the pic here.....
the shirt and all the design is 15+....quite reasonable price la!!~
oh ya..i gonna go buy the minitoon flower then put at the bear bear hand.....5 dollars plus
SAW SHAWN in jurong point also....then went to JEC there find sista fren....they chitchat awhile then go home le....

today have the math paper 2 and chemistry paper.....yup...erm...i din really study for chemistry...but think wont get so low marks ba....20/50?....think so la...math paper 2 was...quite ok...think i can pass...but not very high marks....after exam straight away go home le...cox i was feeling quite giddy...and i cant see things went home....
i din intend to study for tomorrow's paper....cox is dnt and listening comprehension...woohOO!!~ think i get less than 20/100 ba..hahaX....after tmr then prelim finally over!!~and is time to prepare for n level....
jux now mr seet go hall talk to us....asked us friday go auditorium...he dunno invite wad speaker to talk to us la...then we all like no 1 wanna go...then he keep on asking...then we keep on rejecting him...i dunno wad happen in the end...but....i'm going to school on friday...cox so long never talk to xiao xing xing le....wooHhoo!!~Cya!~

Monday, August 14, 2006

look at the pic...!!!!~i s renee my niece and ansel...yuting's cousin....see how he bully my niece...!!so bad...the second pic look like they gonna kiss...oH!! nowadays....wah!~

oh!!~i wanna add sth...hahaX....i'm taking a music producer course after my n 250 bucks and i only need to pay 50....woohoo!!~taking with my frens...alot of malay sia...but heng got daryl wee and jensen liu....then wont be so boring le...they r quite a close fren to me la...for almost 3 years plus...and only got 2 gals...i'm the only chinese gal....aiya...i dun care so much.......
i taKing it!!!~
hope the course will be fun and learn lots of things.....gain new experience...wooHoo!!~still can record album leh...think so...heeX...looking forward to it....but dun wanna have n level soon..and dun wanna leave the school.....~then no more star in life...~hahaX....i dunno wad to type....busy with exams nowadays...actually...i'm kidda lazy to study....~nah....seeya!~
had my physics prelim today...hahahahhaha!!!!!!!!!!!!~and is so super duper easy...heeX....A1....hope studies...haaX...F9?....i think wont least a E8 la...hahaaaaX....sch release at 12.30pm...then stay in sch cox cecilia and beumon kanna from mr seet...hahaX...gonna call parents....oh..god bless....head down to plaza after tt...the rest of my fren went library to study...then i go find bday cards for........~yup...went to mixed with another group of frens...i can find in any corner in plaza....after sch onLY!!~then went home le...took lrt with those ppl...yup...tomorrow gonna have history and math paper night time i will practice my math ba...history....depends on my mood...cox i dun understand a single shit..and is too late to study le...damn it....~

hen jui never talk to xiao xing xing le...yesterday msn got msg me...but never reply...cox i watching movie in com...ahhhh~

savior..he can move a mountain,my god is mighty to save..he is mighty to save...forever...something of salvation,he rose and conquered the grave...jesus conquered the grave~

Thursday, August 10, 2006

super duper sian is a holiday...and is super sian staying at home....tomorrow got chinese prelim and i'm seriously not ready for it...i think i gonna go study later...around 8 plus...or stay up late study ba...seriously no mood to study....and i'm broke....i still need to give for the church van...20 bucks....haven give for july...diE la....think the last week then i give ba....i still haven buy the shirt for the TEddy!!~...think i gonna go jurong point and check it out ba...or esplanade tomorrow since i'm going to go church tomorrow at 8pm..

chirstian city church album gonna out on the 28th august...oH!!~i wan2 buy......actually not very sure...but the net said so...hahaX.......

wo yao shi le..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~


hahaX....din blog for 2 days/?...tuesday...i pon sch...heard tt was 4 hours physics...wah die...i cannot tahan farouni....then went to my grandma hse in the morning until 9pm plus...cox her birthday ma...oh...jeremy getting fatter...saw lots of cousin la...but din talk much...jux hi and nth else...jeremy talk quite alot la...jeslyn also...cox last time always hang out de ma....they rest is don talk so often....

wednesday went to caleb's hse....reach his house around 1pm...then like nothing to do there lor...heng got com...if not i sure diE de...go there slack,eat,play....wah...then watch the ndp marching only...then super boring le la...

think i gng study later....chinese prelim tomorrow...must remind me to bring dictionary ok....whoever tt read my blog...i scared i forgot...then my chinese compo...can say byebye le lor...

Monday, August 07, 2006

SCH...erm...don really noE....9am lesson start....slept for the first period until 10am...then after tt english lesson they quarrel for 30mins...then lesson for 30mins....recess...nah...not good...then after tt 3 dnt lesson then can go home le...dnt lesson got 3 hours ma...then i stay there 1 hour 30mins...then go com lap for 1 hour...then go canteen le...hahaX...i skip lesson...bad hor...~today kidda sian la...!!~

YESTERDAY!!!~was....FUNFUNFUN....ok...after service i dunno where to go....i don wish to go to youth....then jackson,mark,cheryl....they all pull me to young adults...AIYO!!~then i go lor....pastor preach...erm...about earthly and heavenly wisdom...JAME...3 dunno 4 la...then quite fun la....better than the youth...hahaX...then after tt take bus then mrt to singapore indoor stadium for the festival of praise...and the FOP is soososososososososoososososo AWESOME.....makes me don bare to don moen
and christian city church from syndey australia...wooHoo...i love the ccc band....esp the guitarist....she's cool...and she got a beautiful hair and VOICE!!~hahaX...gonna buy their album when is out...woOOHHoo!!~GREAT IS OUR GOD!!!~oioioi!~haaha....the album name no
then reach home around 12 midnite lor....later than that la....but worth it...hahaX....Christian city band is jux so Good la...too bad cant get their autograph....sadsadsad!!~

Friday, August 04, 2006

WAHAHAHA!!!~sCH was FUN..and FUNFUNFUN!!!~erm..actually i'm having ENGLISH PRELIM today...yup..the report writing was ok...composition was...nah...not ok...yup...have enough time to finish..yup...paper 2 was...quite easy la...but some question i anyhow write the answer de...think can pass la...hahaXx...ok...paper 2 end at 12.10pm...and we went down to the canteen preparing the birthday cake and the catus we bought for miss chan...hahaX....the birthday celebration was GREAT...took CLASS PHOTO...we surprised her and sing her a birthday song....she was so touched for wad we've done....and she her eyes are turning RED!!~hahaX...ok....THE CAKE VERY NICE!!~very BEAUTIFUL(to describe a cake?) ALSO...everyone in the canteen was looking at us....but dont u love it when people envy our class? even the DM came out to take a look at wad's happening in the canteen....too bad...if only mr seet was here...hahaX....4E STRONG TEAM SPIRIT!!!~haha...ok after finish blowing the candle off,she said something (not exactly)....she said she was touched by what we've done for her...cox we everytime don care about anything,din expect us to give her a surprise birthday celebration...she also said tt when she was young,her class was guai guai 1...and our class is noisy until can commit she find it hard to teach us...also said tt sometimes she may lost her temper at us becox....4E....noisy la...hahaX...and she hope tt all of us can promote to sec 5....
while she's talking this...the background music is the music in my blog...haha...s club 7 de have you ever....after tt she cut the cake for all of us to eat....the cake 4kg...big leh...too bad mr seah never eat...hahaX...
after tt went off to plaza....makan makan...hahaX...then walk walk...i bought someone a present for tt someone's birthday...but...i'm not sure whether i'm giving it anot....I WANNA GO discounT!!!!~I LOVE the clothes THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!~

Thursday, August 03, 2006

OK...sch...same same same...but kidda playful today...yup...morning assembly...was very funni,we kanna punish then need to stand up...all the sec 4 and 5 like very guai...but our class keep on talking ....yup...then first lesson is chemistry...not paying attendtion...then 10 years series lor...but i was super freak out with question....dunno how to ans always different from the answer sheet...haiX....then english lesson...forgotten wad we done...after recess is test...ok la...anyhow do de...also need to buck up with my math...haix....troublesome...then chinese lor...very noisy la the class..then they make eileen angry...then keep on hitting here and there...very violent...then she accidentally hit me 1 time....very release at 2.30pm...then english extra lesson changed to dnt ma...then for wad i go...hahaX...dnt means DEAD!~hahaX...but in the end i put the sticker on my folder and preject...then go eat eat...then canteen very quiet ma....they go play some songs...hahaX...then went to sit down at the volleyball court downstair see they play soccer....i study physics....i now remember wad is double insulator....hahaX...shh!!~don laugh...very peaceful...after tt play volleyball myself...oH no...i cant hit 20 times...lousy!~then sit at the florr there talk talk lor...with jensen,aikbin,beumon,chuen wee...yup...then after tt sinni joined....then after tt go home lor...

TOMORROW GOING to have english prelim le...hope i can score least a b3 or 4...cox my english is so lousy la...hahaX...and tmr is a big day for our class...the day we spent most money on...someonE birthday wor...hahaX......HEEX*

Wednesday, August 02, 2006 in sch...very very very hapPy..hahaXx..morning was almost late for sch...reach around 7.18am...late ar?...cox i normally reach 7.05am-7.10am....yup..then in seet was talking about stealing...and i find it kidda boring...cox i don steal...and hate ppl doubting me whether did i steal...hahaXx...but so one accuse me before...think sec 1 have la...dunno...forgotten...hahaX...yup...finally pass the stuff to the freaKozoiD...and tt freakO pInch me...aiyO...hao xin mei haO baO...very paIn leH!~...heeX*first lesson was chemistry...erm...i did try to listen and learn something...but i'm struggling to ok...bcox i really really dunno a single shit about chemistry...then social studies lesson...i was revising my physics until recess...2 hours leh..guai hor?!~...but english lesson i have to multi task...cox need to do english stuff also...then still need to revise my physics...heeX..after recess was physics heeX...but too bad...teacher never need to go hall..i very guai...i study abit...then chit-chat lor...some of the guys were playing catching...then kanna caught...hahaX...math lesson was ok...i did some math questions...simple interest and compound interest...but is so easy can...hahaX..yup...then mrs kHoO always call me lazy i'm not lazy...admit i abit lazy la...hahaX....aiyaa dunno la...heeXx....then after math is history...i was chit chatting with aikbin,chun kee they all...hahaX...actually was a test...then all of us dunnoo got test teacher said is a open book test lor....but u noE waD...i don give a damn about i never dO....zerO mark for sure....the only thing i wrote inside is my name and PXMC....hahaX...yup...was having a very sexual talk with the people....hahaX...then got this person from next class... was so very innocent la...i never ever seen someone in sec 4 dunno anything about......ok dun wanna said it here..hahaX...but was very funni...hahaX....yup...after history is...lunch!!~...went down to the canteen...ate a burger...was asking the freakOzoiD to treat me kind of u wanting to treat...but naH....i dun wan...i was kidding only...u heng ke extra lesson is math...kidda funni...i made yingRu high blood pressure..hahaX...i dunno how to doo the first question..then i ask her to explain...then very difficult la...then i dun wanna listen....then she do le...i still don understand....then aiya...dunno how to explain la...but very funny...hahaX...wait for the group 3 until slow...they release at 4.50pm la...and we release at 4.20pm..we have to wait 30 mins la...daMn it...i canT watch hi-5...shit...i MIss the HI-5 song...."WONDERFUL"hahaX....i"m noT childish...i'm CHilDlikE....heeX...yup...walked to lRt...then take mRt home....tiredtiredtireD....hahaX...OH....friDAy prElim...enGlish...erm...nervous la...but...i think...i will try my best to study....

THANK YOU KENNY KORKOR...everytime i come will encourage me to studY...and keep on asking me to jiA you.....thank yOu!!...i'll try my best...:))))))

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

WOOHOO!!~???...hahaX....ok...sch was quite ok la...but was feeling quite tired today...mayb becox got PE la...starting of the lesson...erm...chemistry...wasn't really paying attendtion...yup...then after tt was pe...heeX...was suppose to run 3 round... but ran only 2 round...better than don run ok...yup...then same old thing...sit at the staircase there chitchat...i was looking at the sky...hahaX...then after tt mother tOnguE....i was so tireD...and i fell asleep...deeP sleep la...until recess then wake up...yup...after recess went to the hall...math teacher never come...physics lesson...feeling very tired...english lesson aRRRh!!~TEST!!~i anyhow do...then sleep....then today extra lesson is phYsics ma...actually wanna go home...but in the end still stay...cox i thought i will see the freaKzeoiD to pass the Girl gUide sth sth la...but never...suan liAO...
my leg super pain tt's y i feel like i'm dying