Friday, August 18, 2006

today!!SUPER DUPER EXCITING!!!~hahaX....and of course FUN!!~ need to go school early...need to reach the auditorium at took mrt then lrt to sch...reach around 9.40am....then reach auditorium...they go label there which class sit which rows...then u know wad...the fucking express jux 1 class got 3 rows...then 4d and 4e only got 1 la...then daryl and some of the malays change the lable..and 4d and 4e take up 3 rows....and we were ask to get up and sit at the extra chairs behind...this is totally wft man?!!~mr seet told us on thursday tt he will reserve the sits for us...then in the end....talked shit only~4d and 4e was all totally freak out and guess wad....everyone left...50 plus people....all's kidda cool...i'm so sad to say i left too...~hahaX...then after tt they find us and asked us to sit at the front...guess wad again...the 4A took our sits...and again...we were super angry already...*i was not angry,i'm jux unhappy becox..they treat us like extra...and the star was inside...din get to talk*....give them another chance....they asked to sit at the extra chairs...we went in...and the student leaders took our sits....WAH!~then they really very angry we all waited at the cantten...wait for the right time go get out of the school.....hahaX...when mr seet and the speaker walke dto the auditorium,50+ of us walk out together...the security guard..scared la...dun dare to catch us...wahhaa!!~then we all go plaza...all i guess...cox when reach there walk everywhere also 4d and 4e friends....HOPE dun kanna from mr seet on monday...anyway we got our siva chased us out of the room....!~he's a asshole...

went to causeway point after plaza...with yongshan,yingru,jolene,sinni,yvonne,cecilia,beumon...yup...went to watch the thailand show...GHOST GAME...!!!~i love tt so exciting...and you cant guess wad is gonna happen next in tt show...but tt's some disgusting part i hate...!~esp using the chisel..put on the throat...then use the hard rock and knock it in!~eeeyEr!!~very de er xin!!~....i kanna scare 1-2 times...but my frens are all scary cat...hahaX...i was laughing when they kanna scare...the part was so funni la...i cant figure out y they are shouting...when i'm laughing!!!!!!!!~HAHAHAHAHA!!!~...the show about 1 hour 45 mins...after tt we went to the library...saw lots of westspringer....and bryan with his other gonna be hurt half...not being bad or rude...but is true la...everyone can see tt...cox she's a express and a student leader...bryan wont like such a gal 1 lor...watermelon...hahaX...~but she look like...*********...yup...after tt around 4+ we went home...yup...oh..i got the f.i.r new song~woohoo!!~

tomorrow gonna be evan's birthday...Oh~...but i'm not gonna give the present her on sunday...cox i bu she de the la...i lazy to go church...i dunno if tmr got mm anot...anyway...i'm lazy....hahaX...tomorrow think gonna stay home and my naruto...i dunno...will see about it~...cya~

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