Monday, August 14, 2006

had my physics prelim today...hahahahhaha!!!!!!!!!!!!~and is so super duper easy...heeX....A1....hope studies...haaX...F9?....i think wont least a E8 la...hahaaaaX....sch release at 12.30pm...then stay in sch cox cecilia and beumon kanna from mr seet...hahaX...gonna call parents....oh..god bless....head down to plaza after tt...the rest of my fren went library to study...then i go find bday cards for........~yup...went to mixed with another group of frens...i can find in any corner in plaza....after sch onLY!!~then went home le...took lrt with those ppl...yup...tomorrow gonna have history and math paper night time i will practice my math ba...history....depends on my mood...cox i dun understand a single shit..and is too late to study le...damn it....~

hen jui never talk to xiao xing xing le...yesterday msn got msg me...but never reply...cox i watching movie in com...ahhhh~

savior..he can move a mountain,my god is mighty to save..he is mighty to save...forever...something of salvation,he rose and conquered the grave...jesus conquered the grave~

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