Tuesday, August 01, 2006

WOOHOO!!~???...hahaX....ok...sch was quite ok la...but was feeling quite tired today...mayb becox got PE la...starting of the lesson...erm...chemistry...wasn't really paying attendtion...yup...then after tt was pe...heeX...was suppose to run 3 round... but ran only 2 round...better than don run ok...yup...then same old thing...sit at the staircase there chitchat...i was looking at the sky...hahaX...then after tt mother tOnguE....i was so tireD...and i fell asleep...deeP sleep la...until recess then wake up...yup...after recess went to the hall...math teacher never come...physics lesson...feeling very tired...english lesson aRRRh!!~TEST!!~i anyhow do...then sleep....then today extra lesson is phYsics ma...actually wanna go home...but in the end still stay...cox i thought i will see the freaKzeoiD to pass the Girl gUide sth sth la...but never...suan liAO...
my leg super pain la...so tt's y i feel like i'm dying

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