OK...sch...same same same...but kidda playful today...yup...morning assembly...was very funni,we kanna punish then need to stand up...all the sec 4 and 5 like very guai...but our class keep on talking ....yup...then first lesson is chemistry...not paying attendtion...then physics...so 10 years series lor...but i was super freak out with question....dunno how to do...my ans always different from the answer sheet...haiX....then english lesson...forgotten wad we done...after recess is math...got test...ok la...anyhow do de...also need to buck up with my math...haix....troublesome...then chinese lor...very noisy la the class..then they make eileen angry...then keep on hitting here and there...very violent...then she accidentally hit me 1 time....very pain...blue-black...yup....sch release at 2.30pm...then english extra lesson changed to dnt ma...then for wad i go...hahaX...dnt means DEAD!~hahaX...but in the end i went....to put the sticker on my folder and preject...then go canteen...eat eat eat...then canteen very quiet ma....they go play some songs...hahaX...then went to sit down at the volleyball court downstair see they play soccer....i study physics....i now remember wad is double insulator....hahaX...shh!!~don laugh...very peaceful...after tt play volleyball myself...oH no...i cant hit 20 times...lousy!~then sit at the florr there talk talk lor...with jensen,aikbin,beumon,chuen wee...yup...then after tt sinni joined....then after tt go home lor...
TOMORROW GOING to have english prelim le...hope i can score well...at least a b3 or 4...cox my english is so lousy la...hahaX...and tmr is a big day for our class...the day we spent most money on...someonE birthday wor...hahaX......HEEX*
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